Chapter 22.

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I woke up, next to Niall as always. I knew we had slept in because we had stayed up all night till about 6am, and decided we should really go to sleep.. His arms were wrapped tightly around me, making me feel completely safe in his embrace. I shuffled and turned to face him, his arms flopping down over my sides slightly. I don't know what time it was but i do know it was late. I leaned my head over to the clock. It read '12:13' in the afternoon. I was so tired but decided to get up. I sneaked out of Niall's arms being careful not to wake him up. I grabbed a towel and headed to the shower... 

I spent a few minutes in the shower before stepping out, water dripping from my feet and onto the floor. I wrapped my hair in a towel and my body also in a towel. I Walked back to my room and stood in front of the mirror. I began to apply my make up. I began to put some foundation onto my hands ready to apply to my face.

"I'm gonna warn you now, thats gonna come off soon so i wouldn't bother putting it on" i heard Niall's voice say as he stood up. 

"Why?" i asked.

"Did i not tell you what we were doing today?" he said.

"No?" i said feeling a little confused.

"We're doing whats left on our bucket list.." he chuckled.

"oh..." i smiled putting my make up down

"Looking forward to it?" he chuckled.

"Maybe a little" a said looking down.

"Hey don't play that game with me, i know you are" he said lifting my chin up with his finger to look into his eyes.

"Mhm maybe.." i said getting up and heading to the wardrobe.

I got out a vest top and some shorts and flip flops. I got changed into them as Niall got changed into some three quarter trousers and a tank top. I looked at him and admired his body, He looked hot, I averted my eyes to his as he saw me staring so i quickly looked away.

"You like?" he said moving closer and pressing his hands against my waist.

"It's okay i suppose" i giggled looking down.

"don't play that game with me, i told ya" he said kissing my nose.

"Maybe i'm not playing" i said trying to act serious.

"So you're saying you don't want a bit of this?" he said taking my hand and putting it under his shirt, trailing it down to his belt buckle.

"No?" i said questionably still trying to keep my serious mode on. He had been working out a lot recently and it had really paid off.

"Well i don't believe you" he said leaning closer to kiss me, i ducked out of his way.

"Well... if you don't believe me... i guess you don't get a kiss" i said laughing and running away.

Niall chased after me, i ran through the living room and to on the sofa behind Zayn where he was sitting.

"Help me Zayn" i squealed, giggling at the same time.

"Niall.." Liam said who was also sat with Zayn, Louis and Harry.

"No, i've nearly got her" Niall said as i jumped out of his reach and ran back to our room, i held the door shut so he couldn't get in.

"I'm not giving up" he shouted as he put even more force into the door making me squige into the wall as the door flung open and Niall had to keep his balance from falling over.  I laughed at him, before trying to run away again.  Before i could move anywhere he jumped onto the floor and caught my leg, making me fall to the ground. He hovered over me. 

"I am going to get my kiss" he whispered as his lips hovered over mine. I closed my eyes and felt his lips touch mine. After he was finished he got up.

"I told ya" he said chuckling and heading to the kitchen.

I saw he had a cup of coffee in his hands, i looked down at the coffee and then back up at him, then back down to the coffee. I shook my head and giggled. 

"Whats up?" he asked.

"well... if you think you're getting kissed today, you Horan are wrong" i said looking at the coffee.

"Eh? what do you mean?" he said.

"The coffee, if you drink it.. i'm not kissing you. i hate coffee and it makes your breath smell" i said.

"Wha... i have to go a whole day without a kiss?" he said.

"Yeah" i smirked as he looked at the coffee questionably.

When it was time to go, Niall of course had drank the coffee, he seemed confident that he was gonna get a kiss anyway..  It was kinda late when we headed off to the beach. It was a couple of hours drive, but we needed to be there kinda late at night i suppose. So nobody would see us.

We arrived and ran down to the beach, we took our messages in bottles with us.

"Lets do this" he said as he began to take his top off. I pulled my top over my head and kicked off my flip flops. Niall also took off his shoes and began to take down his trousers. i did the same with my shorts, so we wer left in our underwear, I looked back at the pile of clothes, that were with a towel, just double checking. 

"Right" i said as i unclasped my bra, Niall began to take off his boxers and i took off my knickers.

"Go" he shouted as he took my hand and we ran down to the sea and began splashing about.

"Oh my God" i screamed as the water was freezing.

He took my hand and pulled me in close.

We stayed there for a few more minutes before we ran out together holding hands, we got wrapped into our towels and dried ourselves off before slipping into our clothes again.

"That has to be the most exciting thing that i have done" he whispered as we laid onto the  extra towel we had brought.

I looked up to see the sun setting above the sea, creating a romantic atmosphere.

"Niall, look it's beautiful" i said pointing up to the sky.

"I know you are" he said staring at me and not even averting his eyes to where i was pointing.

"Niall..." i smiled turning to face him.

"I love you" i whispered snuggling into his chest.

"I love you too" he said kissing my forehead.

"Now come on before the tide comes in" he said helping me to stand up, we grabbed our towels and  headed to the car before driving home.

Love conquers all. A Niall Horan fanfic.Where stories live. Discover now