Part Fifty-Five

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My eyelids heavy I watched as the guy untied Luke, then grabbing him by the back of the neck, dragged hom over to where I sat slumped against the door and threw him on the ground next to me.

“Ashton!” Luke cried, placing a hand over my blood soaked shirt.

“Wha-what are you doing?” I whimpered.

“I don’t know!” Luke cried, “This is what they do in movies!”

“Get over there!” the guy grunted, kicking Luke in the rips away from me.

“Hey!” Michael shouted.

Tagging in a ragged breath, Luke slumped against the wall.

“Say goodbye Hemmings.” The creep spat, pulling a gun out of his back pocket.

“Where the hell did you get a gun?” Niall screamed, “You should have done that on Ashton it would have been so much faster!”

Laughing, the man, Bob, we’ll refer to him as, clicked off the safety, before crossing over to Luke and pressing the gun to his forehead.

“Please don’t!” Calum screamed.

Laughing harder Bob put his finger on the trigger. A tear rolling down my cheek, I reached over and grabbing Luke’s hand in my own, closed my eyes, waiting.

And then there was a bang. Several screams, and I was splattered with something wet.

Feeling sick I opened my eyes, expecting to see the worst, however it was not the gun that had gone off, instead one of the skylights had been removed and a brick had been dropped, hitting Bob on the head and, well, killing him, his blood splattering Luke and I as he now lay bleeding out on the ground.

“What the hell!” Niall cried.

Looking up my heart soared at the sight of Gemma peering through the skylight.

“Surprise Mother Fucker!” she cried.

“God Luke, I thought you were dead!” I gasped, blinking rapidly to try and stop my eyes from going fuzzy.

“No,” Luke sniffed, “But you…”

“I’ll, be okay.” I replied, forcing a smile.

Wiping his nose and his sleeve, Luke crawled over to me.

“Go untie the others.” I muttered.

“But I want to stay with you.” He whimpered.

“Luke, it’ll be more helpful if you entire them.” I mumbled.

Nodding, Luke rose to his feet and ran over to where the others were still tied up. Once he was out of earshot, I let out the moan of agony I had been trying to keep in, as I looked down at the sea of blood which was flowing out of me.

Suddenly I heard a gasp from behind me.

Turning my head slowly, I looked up to find Gemma standing over me.

“hi,” I mumbled.

“Dammit Ashton!” she cried,  dropping to her knees and removing her sweater before pressing it to my wound.

“Why are you here?” I asked.

“I stood outside the door and listened to your guys plan.” She sighed, “Then I followed you here.”

“You saved Luke.” I mumbled, sleepily.

“And I’m gonna save you too.” She replied, “just… hold on.”

Switching her sweater to her left hand, she reached into her pocket with her right, pulled out her phone, and dialed 911.

While she was on the phone, Luke finished untying the others and they ran over to me.

“Ashton!” Destiny sobbed, throwing her arms around me.

“Ow.” I moaned.

“Destiny get off him!” Michael cried, pulling her away.

“I’m so sorry Ash!” she whimpered, “This is all my fault!”

“I-it’s not your fault.” I mumbled, trying hard to keep my eyes open.

“please be okay.” She cried, placing her tiny hand on my cheek.

“I’ll be fine.” I assured her, even though I knew I wouldn’t be.

“You’re going to be okay.” Calum informed me, as if he could read my mind.

“Yeah,” I muttered, closing my eyes.

“Hey! No!” Michael yelled, smacking my face.

“What?” I groaned.

“You can’t close your eyes!” Luke cried, “It’s in like every movie!”

“An ambulance is on the way.” Gemma informed us, putting her phone back in her pocket.

“Is he gonna be okay?” Luke sniffed.

“He’s going to be fine.” Harry assured him, pulling Luke closer to him.

Tears rolling down her cheeks Destiny scooted closer to me and brushed my sweaty curls from my face, “I want to tell you a secret okay?” she whispered, “And I need you told hold onto it for me, you can’t leave me alone with it okay?”

“Mmm?” I mumbled.

Taking a shaky breath she leaned forward, her warm breath tickling my ear and whispered, so only I could hear, “I love you Ashton. Not because you’re the drummer of five seconds of summer or because you’re hotter than the devil’s butt cheeks, but because of all the little things. The way your eyes light up when you talk about music, your smile, how you have five hundred different laughs, and I barely ever hear the same one twice but they’re all equally adorable. I love your hands, and how they swallow mine up when you hold them. I love your voice. I love the way you care about everyone, way more then you should. I love how walk and how you talk, how you snore, how you eat, how you breathe, I love every single thing about you Ashton, and I don’t want you to take the one thing that makes me happy away from me okay?”

I opened my mouth, however no sound came out. Wanting to show her somehow that I felt the same way I shakily raised my hand and tucked her hair behind her ear, willing my eyes to tell her what my mouth could not.

“I know.” She whispered, “I know.”

And then my arm went limp.

I heard Luke calling me, but soon that too faded, and then the crying faces around me faded to black.

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