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Five Months Later ~

"... Cause without you I'm a lost boy!"

"Okay, everyone, sing along!"

"Come find me! Come find me! Come find me! Come find me! Come find me! Come find me!  Come find me! Come find me!......"

Glancing out at the sea of fans, I smiled before turning back to my drums, watching Luke, Calum and Michael hop around out of the corner of my eye for the remainder of the song."

"Good night Croke Park!" Michael shouted, after the last note.

"You guys were amazing!" Calum yelled.

Making my way to the front of the stage, I bowed with the others, before making my way off stage, where Georgia was waiting with four bottles of water.

"You guys did awesome!" she cried, placing her hands over extended middle.

"I always am." Michael replied.

Rolling her eyes, she chuckled him his water which he caught before it could hit Paul in the back of the head.

“Can we go back to the dressing room now?” she asked, “My back is killing me.”

“Sure.” I replied, “I’d help you up but I smell, uh, Lu…. No never mind, Calum will you help her up?”

“I’ll do it!” Luke cried, crossing over to Georgia and holding out his hands. Smiling at him gratefully she allowed him to pull her to her feet, nearly resulting in her face planting however Calum, steadied her before she could fall.

“Thanks!” she gapsed, looking terrified.

“Luke man you have to be careful!” Michael chided.

“Sorry.” Luke mumbled.

“It’s okay Lukey.” Georgia reassured him, “I’m fine.”

Nodding, Luke then took her by the hand and dragged her behind him to our dressing room, or the 1D boys dressing room where we usually hung out without them knowing, however to my surprise all five of them were in there, dancing around in front of a camera.

“Been around the world don’t speak the language! But your booty don’t need explaining!” Niall sang loudly.

“Hey!” Louis cried, freezing, “What are you doing in here, get lost!”

“Sorry!” Luke cried, slamming the door closed.

“What the heck was that?” Calum asked.

“No idea.” Luke replied, leading the way to our dressing room, which as usual had been turned completely upside down.

“Seriously?” Michael grumbled, crossing over to an upside down chair and flipping it over before sitting down, “When is this going to get old?”

“Maybe when you stop recording yourself wiping Harry’s shoes on your wiener.” Georgia replied, waddling over to a couch and staring at it wistfully.

Crossing over to her, I flipped the couch the right way and she hastily sat down.

“You okay?” Calum asked.

“Yeah, why?” she asked.

“I don’t know.” He replied, “You just seem…. I don’t know worn out.”

“I’ve been up since four thirty this morning.” She sighed, leaning back and closing her eyes.

“Why?” I asked, sitting on the opposite end of the couch from her, while I changed shirts and slathered on a pound of deodorant.

MEAN BOYS {5 Seconds Of Summer}Where stories live. Discover now