One Hundred And Seven

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“What’s up Ass face?” Jackie sighed.

“What are you doing here?” I demanded.

“I’m so infatuated with your rapidly developing biceps that my vagina dragged my here so it could hold hands with your penis.”

“What?” I demanded.

“Jackie!” a voice shrieked from behind me.

Startled I whirled around just in time to watch to Gabby lunge at Jackie, hugging her tightly.

“Gabby what have I told you!” Jackie cried, obviously trying hard not to laugh.

“That when I hug you, it makes you uncomfortable and if I do it again it’s going to end badly for me.” Gabby answered robotically, taking a step back.

“Thank you,” Jackie sighed, patting Gabby on the head, before pushing past me and entering the hotel where Michael, Jess, Calum, Grace, Luke, Charlie, Destiny and I were sat watching The Breakfast Club.

“Oh my Goodness Gracious!” Luke squealed at the sight of her, “It’s Jack in the box!”

“What’s up Satan.” She replied, ruffling his hair, before sitting down on the arm of the couch and flinging her vans in my general direction.

“Yeah, sure, make yourself at home.” I muttered.

“Thanks, Ass breath.” She replied, smiling sweetly.

“May I ask what you’re doing here?” I demanded.

“I thought we went over this,” she sighed, “Your damn sexy drumming face acted like a magnet and dragged my dripping puss….”

“Okay!” Grace laughed nervously cutting her off.

“What’s the real reason you’re here?” Calum questioned.

“I want to ride Liam’s Payne Train like a rodeo girl into the sunset.”

“God, you’re awesome.” Michael chuckled.

“Liam has a girlfriend.” Luke said slowly.

“Niall?” she asked.

“He’s with some girl named Diana.” Gabby sighed.

“Is he really still with her, that’s so nice!” Luke cried.

“Yeah,” Gabby mumbled, “They like face time every night.”

“Damn,” Jackie sighed, “I guess I’ll take that hot one with the eyes and the hair and the voice like some sort of choir boy slash angel version of that hot dude that sings Christmas music.”

“Josh Groban?” Calum laughed.

“Yeah!” she replied, “That one.”

“He’s engaged.” Destiny informed her.

“Well shit,” Jackie muttered, “Do you have any security guards that aren’t built like Brick Shit houses who would destroy the old taco shell or is that not a thing?”

“That’s really gross Jackie.” Graced sighed.

“Did you really just come on tour to hook up with people?” I snapped.

“No,” she laughed, “I came to make your life a living hell, surprise Muthafucka!”

“You’re not funny.” I grumbled, sitting on the floor near the opposite side of the couch from her.

Rolling her eyes, she turned her attention to the TV.

“That guy is damn sexy.” She mumbled.

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