Part Ninety-Two

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"Oh my God this song is my shit! Bow down bitches!"


"Slay Momma!"

"Oh my God shut up Queen!!!!"

Tightening my grip on Destiny's hand I led her through the crowded bar, following behind Harry, to was traipsing thorugh the large gay bar like he owned the place.

Reaching the VIP section he stopped, smirking as he looked the small blue haired boy working there up and down.

“Do I really need to say who I am?” he asked.

“No!” the boy laughed, “You’re in girl!”

Smiling, Harry pulled a twenty out of his pocket and pressed it into the boy’s hand.

“I’m staying at the Hilton, third floor, swing by later.” He muttered, before turning back to us, “Come along!”

Following him through the VIP section he led us to a booth in the corner then sat down sliding into the back, leaving Charlie, Luke, Jess, Calum, Destiny and I to slide in after him.

“Oh my God I love this place.” Harry muttered, winking at a tall, dark haired boy near the bar, “They’ve got it all, Twinks, Twunks, Bears, Cubs, it’s like a booty buffet! Plus the music is the shit!”

“What song is this?” I questioned.

“Oh Jesus!” Harry cried, “Only the fucking queen! Well, not Beyonce level queen but a close damn second!”

“Sorry?” I said slowly.

“Oh my God the Mama Monster!” he shouted, “I mean I know you used to like live in a dirt hut and ride Hippos and shit but I’m pretty sure Infants in Antarctica know the Song Poker Face it’s a classic!”

“Is it just me or are you getting more Gay?” Jess asked.

“Girl bye,” Harry laughed, “I don’t have to pretend like a fake bitch, I can let loose.”

Suddenly a tall, tan, muscular dude with a quiff like a dipped ice cream cone stopped in front of our table.

“Hello!” he greeted, his brown eyes instantly locking on Harry.

“Hello,” Harry replied, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m Andrew,” the guy said, “What can I get you all to drink?”

“I’ll have a water.” Charlie answered.

“Sparkling or plain?” he asked.

“Plain.” Charlie answered.

“I’ll have that too.” Destiny said.

“Okay,” the man said pleasantly, “And for the girl with the fucking sexy fire hair, I love that shit girl.”

“Um, thanks.” Jess laughed, “I’ll have, um….”

“They’re new,” Harry sighed, interrupting her, “Excuse them, we’ll get seven buttery nibbles, a bottle of something worth our time for the table and something fruity and feminine to wash it down.”

“I’ll be right back with that.” Andrew said, winking at Harry before sauntering away.

“Question.” Charlie said slowly.

“Yeah?” Harry asked.

“Am I still getting water?” she questioned.

“No!” Harry laughed, “We are in Miami in the best gay bar in the entire country, possibly the world! You are not having water.”

MEAN BOYS {5 Seconds Of Summer}Where stories live. Discover now