Part Eighty-One

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"Four for you Glen coco, you go Glen coco...."

Sighing, I brought my arm up behind my head and changed the channel.

"We're all in this togeth....."

"'Uncle Gaurd! Grandmother!' 'Samanth...."

"'ALANA' 'What Mama?' 'Where Glitzy the pig at?'"

"Okay, make it wor....."

"You wanna be on top?"

"OOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHHHH Who lives in a....."

"....Come on grab your friends, we'll go to very distant lands with Jake the....."

"Last time, on little house on the pra....."

Sighing, I shut off the TV all together, pictching the room into complete darkness. Fumbling around for my phone, I turned it on and began scrolling through my twitter mentions.

About two percent were fans saying how much I'd helped them, eight percent was fans saying how much they loved me, thirty percent was hate and the other sixty was spam. Retweeting Luke's picture of him and Luke having a Star Wars light saber fight with curtain rods and an announcement on the band account, I then tweeted a goodnight and thank you for everything type thing with a kissy face and decided to call it a night.

Setting my phone on the other side of the bed, I rolled over, and pulling up the blanket up to my chin was about to fall asleep when my phone vibrated. Figuring it was twitter, I ignored it, however a split second later it vibrated again, and again, and again. Sighing, I turned over and looking at it, was surprised to find a text from Jess.

Voldemort: Hi, or is it hey? jk, that's not funny.

Voldemort: Also, the current situation isn't funny so if you could like pick up your phone that would be great.

Voldemort: I just realized IDK if you know what situation means, I mean, you did think a tadpole was a baby mosquito

Voldemort: I feel like I'm coming off as mean. I'm sorry, I'm not good at texting can you like pick up your phone.

Voldemort: HELP

Voldemort: Sorry, it's not that urgent but on a scale of like 1-10 it's like a strong 7.

Voldemort: ASSSSSSSHHHHHTTTTTOOOONNNNN Get your lazy ass out of bed, before I text Calum and let him slide in like a smooth mother ducker.

Voldemort: Damn auto correct, I meant trucker.

Voldemort: Duck! I mean FUCKER

Voldemort:UGH I give up, just please come to Destiny's room!!!!!

Becoming concerned I climbed out of bed and pulled on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt. Starting for the door, I had just put my hand on the handle when it swung open, catching me int he forehead.

"Ow!" I shouted.

"Oh I'm so sorry!" Charlie cried, wearing Luke's pajama pants rolled about seventeen times, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah," I grumbled, massaging the rapidly forming egg on my forehead, "What's wrong with Jess and Destiny?"

“Just come on,” Charlie replied, grabbing me by the hand and pulling me through the dimly lit hotel room and into the bedroom where Jess was sitting on the bed, rubbing Destiny’s back as she sobbed.

“What’s going on?” I demanded.

“Ashton?” Destiny sniffed, sitting up, “What are you doing here?”

“Jes….” Watching as jess and Charlie frantically shook their heads I shrugged, “Just thought I’d uh, say goodnight.”

“Nice save.” Charlie whispered.

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