Part Fifty-Seven

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“This is the nicest room I’ve ever been in.”

“Luke shut up.”

“No but seriously I feel like this is what God’s office looks like.”



“This is such bullshit.”

“You brought it on yourself ass hole.”

“A little weed never killed anybody.”

“You’re a shit role model.”

“Says the faggot.”

“You’re gay too you dumb shit!”

“Both of you stop it!”

Suddenly the door behind us swung open and a tall blonde woman walked in. Her pencil skirt clinging tightly to her hips and her button down shirt exposing quite a bit of cleavage.

“Holy shit.” Michael breathed.

“I want her picture for my private folder.” Luke mumbled.

Walking around the chairs were the nine of us were sat, the woman took a seat behind her desk, folding her perfectly manicured hands in her lap before letting her brown eyes wander over each of us in turn.

She was the woman whispered about. The crane behind the wrecking ball, the president of Modest management. Licking my lips I waited for her to speak which after what seemed like an eternity she did.

“I’m very disappointed in you boys.” She sighed.

“Sorry.” Luke apologized.

“Drugs, alcohol, groupies, a stabbing, this behavior is unacceptable.”

“We didn’t mean it.” Luke mumbled.

“I know.” She sighed, crossing her legs and very nearly flashing us all, “But regardless of whether your….. slip ups were accidents or not, you have to fix them.”

“Don’t you think this is all a bit extreme?” Harry asked.

Shaking her head the woman stood up, and moved to sit on the edge of her desk in front of us, blocking the view of the plaque reading her name, Caroline.

“I want you to picture a girl.” Caroline said, examining her nail beds, “Can you do that?”

“Yeah.” Luke answered, “She’s small and Asian and….”

“I don’t need to know.” She interrupted, “Now I’m going to tell you a little bit about this girl.”

Louis rolled his eyes.

“She’s not thin.” Said Caroline, “She’s not fat, but she’s not thin either. She doesn’t really have any friends. She doesn’t really have anyone really, except a boy.”

“Awww!” Luke cried, “Do they love each other.”

“Well, I’m getting to that.” Caroline snapped, “This girl, loves that boy, more then she loves herself. She doesn’t even know why but she loves everything about him, his voice, his laugh, his smile.”

“This is so sweet.” Liam mumbled.

“Still not done.” Caroline interjected.

“Sorry.” Liam whispered.

“This girl.” Caroline sighed, “Is very sad but this boy makes her happy, in fact he’s the only thing keeping her alive.”

“Holy shit this just got deeper then Ashton’s dimples.” Calum muttered.

MEAN BOYS {5 Seconds Of Summer}Where stories live. Discover now