Final Take

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🍿《 Yuu's pov. 》🍿

Do you want to try dating me in secret?

My heart is beating so fast right now, I'm worried it might break.

So Mika is serious...

Warmth fills my body once again.

He wants to be with me.

It takes a little while until I give him my answer, albeit it has been so clear to me.

Yes. Yes! YESSS!

As my arms wrap around his neck I place my lips onto his rather clumsily. But right now I don't care.
I'm just so happy and I have wanted to kiss him again so badly.

His lips are so soft but also a little salty yet right now it doesn't matter to me. Mika still tastes good, it reminds me of sea salt ice cream yet it can't compare to him. My favourite flavour has been replaced by Mika's lips.

We part from each other way too quickly in my opinion yet we do need to get some fresh air in our lungs.

So that's your answer, the half Russian eventually types on his phone, Looks like we're dating... unofficially.

I simply nod at that. Right now I don't feel like talking because my voice is, it's kinda like it's slowly disappearing.
That's why I have responded to Mika through a kiss so I wouldn't make a fool of myself at such an important moment.

My secret lover chuckles softly and I can actually hear a sound, though it's quiet.
But it could also be that my mind is playing a trick on me, just like how I see weird spots which are anything from black and white. Yet they disappear as soon as I have seen them so I'm not sure if they're real or an illusion.

It's so weird, these little things make me think of the legend of the two soulmates.
Then again, it's only a story and can't be true. After all nothing has changed albeit we kissed twice.

Or perhaps we have to kiss more often or even longer?
... As if.

Sighing softly I gaze at Mika. "So... What do you ... wanna do?"

The half Russian tilts his head a little which look adorable as fuck.
His fair hair bounces ever so slightly as his eyes stare at me with a rather innocent look.

Or, which I have found out upon closer inspection, at my lips.

Letting out a soft laugh I get closer to Mika to grant his wish.
He immediately takes the chance to grab me and pull me into yet another kiss.
This beautiful prince has totally beat me to it.

My eyes close as I melt into the sweet pleasure. So far I've always closed my eyes we kiss because it makes it more intense and just better.
I'm slowly but surely getting addicted to the drug called Mikaela Shindou.

We break the kiss which has been longer than the other two.

When I open my eyes again I stare at Mika in shock. His hair and face have a little bit of colour, well they always had but I can actually see them all of a sudden.

[Eng] No Colours -  No Voice || MikaYuu / YuuMika AUWhere stories live. Discover now