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📖 Narrator's pov. 📖

After Mikaela and Yuuichirou have arrived at their school, they get hugged by Mika's mother and Yoichi even. They have come to pick them up.

The ravenette hugs his best friend back. He hasn't expected him to come. "Hey Yoichi. How are you?"

"I'm good!" He beams a smile at the taller male. "What about you?"

Yuu's lips move upwards into a goofy smile. "I couldn't be better."

The olive eyed giggles softly before he points out, "That's nice. It looks like you enjoyed the class trip."

Yuuichirou turns his head to Mikaela who looks back at him. He then avertes his eyes back to Yoichi.
"Yes it was really great. Too bad you couldn't come."

"Y-Yea..." The brunet holds on of his arms as he avoids his best friend's gaze.

Yuu hasn't really noticed before but somehow his roommate's behaviour has changed. But he doesn't want to confront him with it.
Not until they're back home and alone.

Though he does need to tell Yoichi about Mika and him. Mikaela's mother also has a right to know.

So once they have finished eating dinner at the Shindou residence, Yuu talks with his boyfriend about it. Meanwhile Yoichi and the woman are in the kitchen, taking the dirty dishes away but the brunet also asks her about some recipes which she happily shares with him.

"Mika?" The ravenet calls his name at which he gets a soft hum in return. "Don't you think now is a good time to tell them? Or is it too early?"

"Hmm..." Putting his head in his chin in his palm, the blue eyed pounders about his suggestion.

Yuu admires the half Russian's gorgeous features and how deep in thought he is. He only snaps out of his 'trance' when Mika speaks up, "Y-Yea... Now is g-good."
His answer comes out weirdly, the way he pronounces is off but who can blame him?

Mikaela Shindou had been a mute his whole life until his "soulmate" cured him, as cheesy as it sounds.
Though it has taking a while, and they had even swapped their disabilities for a whole night.
What happened had been unbelievable to both of them, the soulmate story hard to grasp for the boys.
But now they're here and, finally, they can chase after their dreams more easily.

Yuuichirou nods his head at the blond's reply. He has gotten closer to his boyfriend to hear him more clearly because his voice is quiet and also odd, untrained. But he doesn't mind at all that Mika sounded the way he did. Plus he knows he is so going to get better and then the sounds of his mouth will be like music to his ears.

It sounds very cheesy, the ravenet is aware of it, but he can't help it.
Falling in love with the blond has changed him and the other way around.
Not drastically but it has happened.
Not all of a sudden, (it hasn't been love at first sight), but slowly and surely.

Not all the people around them have noticed but...
"We're back!" Mika's mother states with a grin as Yoichi follows behind her.
The people closest to them have definitely noticed that something is different about the two.


After they have all sat down on the sofa, Yuuichirou gets up and drags Mikaela with him.
He has grabbed his wrist to heave him up but once they are both standing in front of Mika's mother and Yoichi the ravenet properly takes the other's hand into his, holding it like many couples do.

"There's something I need to tell you," Yuu announces after he has taken a deep breath. He looks up at the blue eyed who nods in confirmation before he continues talking, "Actually the two of us have to."

Their listeners stare at them with smiles at their faces, knowing fully well what they are going to hear but they let the emerald green finish without interrupting him. So they only need their heads just like Mika has done it earlier to give Yuuichirou the same signal with the same message: Move on.

And that's what he does. "As you can probably see," the black haired starts, "Mika and I are together." He takes a deep breath before he adds an, "in the romantic sense", in case they didn't get it though they do. "Congrats!" they both cheer before the couple gets hugged. Mika and Yuu accept happily, glad that they got such a positive reaction. Yoichi is smiling brightly as he cuddles with his best friend. "I'm so happy for you!" "Thanks Yoichi." The green eyed patted his head with his brown curly hair. Brown..."Your hair has a nice brown colour." Blinking, the brunet looks at him totally baffled with his green, but also kinda brownish, eyes. "Your eyes are also nice. Green and kinda mixed with some brown?" Yoichi is staring at him in total shock while Mika can't decide whether to join or to sulk. His boyfriend has been complimenting someone else! Sure, the small male is his and also the blond's best friend but still! He can't help but being jealous. "Th-Thank you Yuu-kun... Though does that mean you can see colours?" the olive-eyed asks him with a hopeful expression. Yuuichirou nods his head at that. "Yes, that's right. And it's not only me..."

Yoichi and Mika's mother both look at the blond boy at that. "Him too?" they exclaim in unison.
Mikaela nods for which he gets a nudge in the shoulder. "C'mon show them!" His boyfriend beamed at him and in such a beautiful way, he couldn't possibly disobey him.
"H-Hello Mama... Yoichi."
The two smiles brightly at the blue eyed before they hug him once again, not forgetting to make Yuu join them.
"That's amazing! Too good to be true!" Mika's mother states with tears of joy in her eyes.
Her son wraps his arms around her. "I-It's true."
His voice iss very off but neither of them say anything about it. They are so happy that Mikaela can talk! And Yuu is finally able to see colours! It's such a miracle and of course the two ask the couple about it. Yuuichirou and the half Russian eagerly answer their many questions and tell them about their suspicion that the legend of the two soulmates might be true after all.
The two have been cured by true love's kiss as cliche as it sounds.

Though having found the ideal partner is a little better than getting their lifelong wishes fulfilled it is a very nice bonus and makes their life even more perfect.
From now on the two will work hard together to achieve their dreams.

The two will keep changing each other and bring out the best in their counterpart.

After all they have just started dating.

This is only the beginning.


(1156 w/o A/N)

If you're stil here congrats.
To any new readers hello and thanks for choosing this book!

Back to my old and possibly loyal readers.
Sorry for the long wait.
I have been struggling a lot to write the epilogue.

Hopefully I can work faster on the second book.
Until then stay tuned!

And before I leave:

A big thanks to all of you and sticking with me / this book for so long! It means a lot to me!

The author,


[Eng] No Colours -  No Voice || MikaYuu / YuuMika AUWhere stories live. Discover now