Chapter Two~ Scars of Ownership

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Stoick's POV

"Where is that boy?" I grumble pacing back and forth in front of the dinner table.

I shouldn't have let him leave! Why doesn't he listen to me?

I put my hand on my head hoping to stop the negative thoughts but it pursued to be louder and more persuasive.

What if Viggo got a hold of him? This is exactly why I wanted him here. He may say that he wants to leave but I see the utter fear in his eyes. My precious child is scared, but is trying to put on a brave face.

My body trembles slightly as I try to calm my fast beating heart but my fear made me freeze in place.

I'll never forgive myself if Viggo got a hold of him again...I promised him that I would never let Viggo touch a hair on his head.

I clench my fist.

And I will never break a promise with him.

My hand gripped the door handle tightly but it flew open against my will causing me to stumble backwards.

"Oh thank Thor!" Fishlegs cried out quickly stepping aside to let Astrid through.

Everything stopped right then and there. My eyes landed on my limp son who had a gash on his forehead. Astrid's tears fell on his face as her hand gently stroked his cheek, "W-We don't know..." Her voice trembled as her eyes meet my wide eyes.

I took one step toward, stretching out my arms as she gently slid him out of her arms, "Oh my boy.." My voice shook as tears fell from my own eyes.  I gently brushed his wet bangs to the side as I felt him getting hotter by the second.

"We have no idea what happened, Chief," Snoutlout stepped in front of everyone else staring only at Hiccup, "One moment he was talking and-"

"I need you to get the healer as fast as possible," The back of my hand flattened on his forehead, "We need to get this fever down as soon as possible." I turned my back to them making my way up the staircase to Hiccup's room.

His small mumbles were barely automobile at first but once we reached his room, it got louder, "D-Don't....touch me...."

My thumb traced his cheek bone as I watch his nose scrunch up, "I made a promise to you Hiccup," I closed my eyes taking a slow deep breath, "and I don't intend on breaking that promise."

"Y-You....don'" Hiccup shuttered his voice so weak and fragile.

Sliding Hiccup onto the bed, he gripped the collar of the shirt trying to pull me closer to him, "I-I...have a....r-real...father...a-a-and...he loves....m-me."

A big smile formed on my face as I removed Hiccup's hand with ease but held his hand for a moment.

My boy is such a precious, special child. I don't understand how anyone could bring such pain and torture to him. Viggo hasn't seen the last of me...

I released his hand as my nails digged into my palms.

I will kill him...I will bring him suffering...I will torture him the same matter...Making him beg for death..

My anger grew stronger as the thought of  the kind of pain Hiccup went through flashed through my mind, "He'll never touch you again. I'll  never let him even get close to you. I will make sure he suffers."

I rested my arm on the edge of the bed as my hand stroked his red hair, "You'll never have to face him again."

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