Chapter Eleven~I. Will. Kill. You.

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Hiccup's POV

Hands grip my arms tightly as I thrust against their grasp. My heart on fire with tears streaming down my face, "DAD!" A high pitch scream escapes from my mouth as I thrust even hard, yanking and pulling my arms trying so desperately to get away. I so desperately wanted to run to him. Hug him. Beg him to not leave.

"YOU PROMISED YOU WOULDN'T LEAVE!" I sobbed loudly shifting my eyes to the dirt.

This is not happening. This is not happening. This is not happening.

A dark deep chuckle filled my ears as I attempt to wipe my wet cheek, "You know, its ashame that it had to end this way," Viggo's fingers pressed against my chin, forcing my head up, "It's your fault. You should have stayed where you belonged," His twisted attempt of a loving smile made me narrow my eyes into his, "with me. I owe you."

I suck in a breath in an attempt to control my growing rage, "You...." I clenched my jaw, gritting my teeth, "You killed him..."I spat out the word kill feeling my blood boil, "and I will kill you for doing so." I snarled spitting in his face as I yank my chin out of his grasp.

Viggo stood still, his expression only amused with a small smirk planted on his face. He stood to his feet dusting off the dust from the dirt as he turned toward my father. A sharp blinding pain made me cry out as my body slumped over. My vision blurred with small black dots as darkness tries to take over.

"It's such a pity, Hiccup," A sharp pain penetrates my stomach as a blurred figure slams into it causing me to gasp sharply. A deep moan escapes my lips, letting my body curl up. My arms gently wrapping against my now bruised stomach, "that our conversations have to go this way," I squeeze my eyes closed feeling another blow but this time to my face. Rolling on my back, I cup my nose, feeling a stick substance against my hands. The substance running smoothly down my face, "but you made it very difficult. So, I have no choice anymore. Finish the job, boys. Once I get back, I expect him to be knocked out. Either from pain or a blow to the head."

Multiple fits pound all over my body. Some harder than others. Pain so blinding that tears begin to stream down my face. I felt my cloths begin to stick to me and my blurred vision seeing red substance begin to surround me. A very sharp pain in my shoulder made me cry out desperately, "P-Please...." I whisper hoarsely, clutching weakly at the dirt hoping it would take away my pain, "P-P-Please....s-stop..." Warm liquid poured out of my shoulder like a water stream as the puddle below me grows.

A strong force on my back caused my face to plunge into the growing puddle making me gag as the taste of the red liquid fills my mouth. Yet another strong sharp pain made me whimper as my strength slowly became sap. Pain so blinding that it's starting to make me numb. I close my eyes as breathing started to become painful. My lungs begged for the relief. My body ached and screamed.

With another blow, darkness took over everything.

How to Train a Dragon 2~ Pain. Torture. LoveWhere stories live. Discover now