Chapter Fifteen~Now Who has the Upper Hand?

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Stoick's POV

I rubbed my temples glaring at the yelling crowd, "Everyone will you please for the love of Thor calm down! Enough with the shouting!" I bellowed watching the crowd coward back slightly.

"Why should we protect that runt?" A voice snarled.

"Because he is the future heir of Berk! It's our job to do so!" Gobbler glared at the well built viking putting his hand on my shoulder.

I sneaked him a thankful smile as I addressed the murmuring crowd, "Look, we need to have a rational discussion on how to keep Hiccup safe and away from Viggo's grasp. He won't give up so we need to plan to capture Viggo."

"What about that dragon of his?" My eyes narrowed at the old man shoving people to the side.


Rolling my eyes, I fold my arms against my chest, "The dragon has done nothing to us and therefore there's no need to discuss it." A soft deep growl escaped my lips.

The old man's forehead wrinkled, "That beast has done nothing?! Clearly you've forgotten that it's been terrorizing our farm animals," He bellowed shooting daggers in my direction.

"Explain to me Mildew," slowly drawing out each word, "how this has to do with my son?" I seethed feeling my finger nails dig a little into my palms barely even feeling a flinch of pain.

He opened his mouth before being spoken for, "Enough Mildew. We will not be discussing this," Gobbler interjected calmly eye locking with the stubborn old man.

I glanced over again at Gobbler with a small smile and nod before my eyes glanced back at the crowd that continued to shout nonsense.

My fingers massaged my forehead.

This is going to be a very very very long day.

"Chief, what if we gave Hiccup to Viggo?" A loud confidence voice boomed over the murmuring crowd.

Dead silence followed as the young viking, Astrid pushes her way through the crowd.

I raised my eyebrow, "Excuse me? How exactly will that work? Viggo isn't one to fall into traps."

My stern voice only seemed to boost her confidence as her eyes grew bigger with a slim smile forming on her lips, "Look, Viggo, is going to be back to Berk eventually looking for Hiccup. He's not one to give up on anything he wants. That's where we have the upper hand, right?"

A heavy sigh escapes from my lips, "Of course he'll come back for Hiccup, Astrid, that's why I called this meeting. The biggest problem we all face is when will he come back and how will he do it? Viggo is a very sn-"

"But what if we hired a spy?" She closed her eyes for a brief moment, "I have a friend whose been spying on Viggo's crew for a different island and she's an excellent one at that," Her eyes shot open, a small twinkle of hope in them, "If we pay her, she'll also give us any information we desire from her. We'll be able to know what he's planning  and have the upper hand when he attacks."

My fingers creased each section of my beard.

What a smart girl

My lips twitch upward, "Brilliant, Astrid! Yes, that could most definitely work," I nodded glancing over my shoulder at Gobbler who had a big smile on his face. I shifted my gaze over the crowd who began to cheer in approval.

After an hour of planning, the crowd disburse leaving only Astrid who put much thought into this planning, "Thank you, Astrid for everything you've done for myself and my son." My big hand engulfed her small one.

She flashed me a big smile, "Of course, sir, I'll be making arrangements for you to meet my friend. Her name is Heather and is also very fond of dragons. She, in fact, has one of her own."

I straightened rolling up the scrolls of notes and maps, "Yes, of course. It certainly does help that she is a dragon lover. Now, go off to bed, we'll discuss more in the morning."

She nodded, "Right, goodnight sir." I watched her briskly leave the Hall as I gripped the scrolls tightly.

I will not fail him a second time.

The sharp cold wind sent chills down my spine. My arms wrapped around myself rubbing it slightly. Getting closer to my house, I noticed the door slightly cracked. I tilted my head, "Hiccup..." I whispered at first, carefully pushing the door open. My heart dropped to my stomach, "Hiccup!" My panic voice echoed in the empty house as I scanned Hiccup's bed. 

Where....did that boy go? Did Viggo...take him?

My heart pounded against my chest before my eyes spotted a note on the wooden table beside his bed. Shaking, my eyes scanned over each word before I formed my hands into fists, crumbling the note.

That boy doesn't think! Why would he think going by himself would be a smart thing to do?! He's smarter than that!

Slamming my fist against the wooden table, I clenched my jaw breathing through my teeth, "I'm going to kill Viggo if he dares to even touch my boy," I seethed stomping over to the huge door.

I pressed the palm of my hand against the door knob as tears threatened to stream down my face, "I'm not going to let them hurt you, Hiccup. I won't have it. I won't" My whispered voice cracked while pulling the door open.

I'm coming for you Viggo.

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