Chapter Twelve~Battle for the Future Heir

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Snoutlout's POV

Please be okay...please be okay...please be okay...

I pushed past the stand stilled crowd until my eyes landed on two limp bodies. My heart broke.

This isn't part of the plan! This wasn't suppose to happen!

The puddle of blood engulfed both Hiccup and Stoick. Two men stood next to Hiccup still pounding on his bleeding, broken, bruised body. Gobbler was already dragging Stoick's body back into the crowd with a small smile on his lips. My heart skipped a beat.

He's okay. He's okay He's okay. Oh thank Thor he's okay!

I took a deep breath, motioning the crowd behind me to follow.

Stick to the plan, Snoutlout. C'mon you can do this! You can be brave!

My arms trembled as I raised my weapon high over my head.

Don't be a coward. This is for Hiccup!

With that, the weapon slammed into one of their skulls. The other soldier turned sharply, his eyes widening in horror as he cowardly ran toward the docks, "Don't let him get away! He's going to run to his master to tell him about the attack." I commanded kneeling next to Hiccup's limp body. My hand gripped his wrist.

Please let there be a pulse.

A faint weak slow pump made me smile slightly, "Okay," I whispered sucking in another breath. I glanced over my shoulder, waiting for Gobbler.

Maybe I should just drag him back...what if he doesn't get here in time? Hiccup doesn't have much time left.

"Get away from my property!" My heart pounded against my chest as I slowly shifted my gaze to Viggo who was taping a pair of handcuffs on his thigh.

My eyes narrow, "Don't call him that! He's a human being!" I growled lowly glaring at him.

"I could careless what you call him," He snarls releasing a small thin smile from his lips, "Just let me take him off your hands and we can avoid this unnecessary blood bath. I'm a business man, Snoutlout, bloodshed reflects poorly on me."

A soft shaky chuckle escapes my trembling lips, "T-The only blood that'll be shed will be your own," My fingers grip my weapon before straightening.

Viggo smirked, "Then so be it," He raises his hand as hundreds of soldiers appear by his side, "Let the game begin."

A loud high pitch roar thundered over the now battlefield. Everyone froze, watching the skies for dragons. Surely enough, a while army of dragons flew behind their leader; Toothless. My eyes locked with Viggo who stared at the dragons.

He folded his arms against his chest, "Well, this will even the odds, now won't it?" Viggo shifted his gaze to mine with a twisted smile as his soldiers rushed toward us.

I jumped in front of Hiccup's body as I swung my weapon at anyone who came close to me or Hiccup. Blood splattered on my face and shirt. The air was filled with sounds of weapons clashing, dragons blasting, and people screaming. A very sharp pain penetrated from my back as my legs gave way falling on my face. Feeling the heavy weight release from my body, I jumped to my knees, turning sharply to see the men dragging Hiccup's limp body toward the docks.

"NO!" I screamed, stumbling to my feet. A loud screech jabbed my ear drums as my shaky hands attempt to muffle the sound. A ball of smoke swirled in the wind. I collapsed to my knees in front of the smoke, my eyes widening.

Toothless held the boy's collar with his teeth running toward the village. My heart skipped a beat as a big smile formed on my lips.

Oh thank Thor for that dragon!

A pair of boots came into my vision, "Well done, Snoutlout. Very well played."

With every bit of strength I had, I forced my shaky legs to stand, meeting Viggo's eye line, "It seems were not done, Viggo."

He smiled big, "Then, I'm ashamed to say that our time together has been cut short," He put his hands on my shoulders making me shrink a bit from the weight, "but don't worry I'll be back. That boy is too important for me to leave forever."

His calm eyes sent terrifying quakes throughout my body. I opened my mouth but my tongue wouldn't release the words. His twisted smile burned in my mind as he put his hands behind his back, turning sharply toward the fight, "My soldiers, our time with these vikings are over. Go back to the boats. Don't be disappointed hooligans, we'll be back for your heir, my property. You be sure to tell your chief, that I will not stop shedding blood until that boy is in my hands."

With that, Viggo and his men walked back to the docks. A wave of relief washed over me as I fell to my knees, gripping the dirt tightly as pain overwhelmed every bit of my body.

We....we won....

We won....

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