Chapter Nine~I Will Forever Protect You

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Hiccup's POV

Alvin snarled as his large axe's blade slammed into the wooden table, "You don't seem to understand the urgency here!" He clenched his jaw, narrowing his eyes deeper into Viggo's hard gaze, "We need to act now! If we don't, then having him temporarily paralyzed would be pointless."

Viggo shot up allowing his tall old wooden chair to slam against the wall, "Watch your tone, Alvin," his voice calm but stern, "We'll attack when I say we attack. It's all part of my plan that will surely not fail. I'll get my property back, it will never escape from me this time."

Alvin backed away his eyes widening at the confidence in his voice, pulling his axe out of the table, "You sound a little too certain, Viggo. Have you forgotten about the father? Do you really think he isn't going to try to get his only son back? He'll declare war for Thor's sake!"

Swiftly, Viggo moved in front of the table with a grin on his face, "I'm not concerned about him. The best way to torture Hiccup is twisting and destroying the very thing he holds dear," Viggo brushed past Alvin, the floor boards creaked. He smirked bending down over a small box with pieces of small statues placed in three different isles, "I'll make sure he knows what happens when you escape from me in the most painful way possible." His grin grew bigger as Alvin shuttered behind him.

My eyes popped open as I gasp for air as if I was underwater. My mind demands my body to jump straight up but those commands are pointless. It refuses to move. My breathing quickly increases as my vision starts to blur, my body tingling all over.

I can't move. I can't move. I can't move.

Toothless put his paws on the bed, gently nudging his head against my stomach softly humming.

"Toothless..." My eyes fill up with tears. His big eyes grow even bigger as he moves his head underneath my motionless hand. I couldn't even feel his rough scales. I bit my bottom lip and sucked in a breath, desperate to not let a cry escape my lips. Desperate to bottle up my emotions. My lungs betray me as a loud sob escapes my lips. There was no way to hide my face, no way to hide. I was vulnerable.

The sound of loud footsteps pounded hard against the wooden steps as my door flies open, "Hiccup, are you okay?" My father's voiced over flowed with concern as his grey eyes scan every part of my body.

I nodded my head unable to wipe away the evidence my pain, "S-Sorry...I-I didn't mean to....wake you..." I mumbled shifting my eyes away from his worried gaze to my quilt.

"Oh Hiccup," He said softly and gently, his hand overlapping mine, "You don't have to be brave around me. I would react the exact same way if I was in your shoes." A heavy sigh escapes his lips causing my eyes to shift to his head bowed, "I wish more than anything to be in your shoes..." His voice cracked. he crying?

His head shot up as he leaned over, his rough lips gently press against my forehead before his big hand wiped away my streaming tears, "It's okay Hiccup, I promise that I will do everything in my power to keep you safe. You won't have to see that awful man again."

I wanted so desperately to believe his words, "H-How can you promise that?" My voice was quiet, so quiet that I was surprised he heard it, "You can't help it if something bad happens."

He cupped my face, rubbing his thumb against my cheek in a soothing way, "I'll do everything in my power to keep you from danger. Even if that requires me to sacrifice myself for you. I love you with everything in me and I will not loose my only son."

His voice boomed with confidence, confidence that frightened me, "B-But....I don't want to....l-loose you..." Tears blurred my vision, "I-I...can't loose something....s-so close....t-o...." A soft sob escapes my lips. I desperately wanted to thrust myself into my father's chest but I couldn't do anything other than sit there in the same position and sob. My father's arms went around me pulling me into a soft embrace. I sobbed into his chest.

His hand gently rubbed the back of my head, "I would never leave you. I have to be here to protect you. I have to be here to love you. I'm never leaving you." He soothed in soft whispering.

My father pulled back, wiping the tears away, "I'll always be there for you, son. I'll never leave you."

A small smile formed on my lips, "You promise?"

He smiled bigger than me, "I promise."

He wrapped his arms around my back again, pulling me into his lap. He continued to whisper soothing words to me as sleep slowly start take over.

I could stay in his arms forever.

In arms that will forever protect me.

That will forever love me.

That will forever fix my broken soul.

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