Chapter Ten~ A broken Promise?

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Stoick's POV

Sweat lingers on my forehead as a heavy sigh escapes my lips causing me to fall back against the rough wooden chair. I close my eyes feeling my tense body melt into relaxation letting my eyes rest for just a second.

Chief's don't need to rest! C'mon Stoick, your stronger than that. So what if you been comforting Hiccup for every single night for a week. It's your job as a father.

I forced my heavy eye lids open. A small smile formed on my lips, "Worth every second of it." I whispered watching my son's chest rise and fall evenly. It's been too long since I've seen him rest peacefully.

A loud bang ringed in my ears as I jolted up from the chair, "Gobbler! What's-"

"It's Viggo," Gobbler spatted struggling to breathe properly.

My heart sank to my stomach. The words seemed to linger in my mind longer than I would of liked.

"H-He's here?" I fumbled over the words as they struggled to come out of my mouth. Glancing over my shoulder, I watch my precious son mumbling something softly in his sleep still sleeping peacefully. My hands form into fist, feeling my nails dig into my palms.

He messed with MY son...

I clenched my jaw feeling my blood boil.

He'll wish he was NEVER born.

"Let's go greet him then, shall we?" My deep raspy voice caught Gobbler by surprised as his eyes widen. I quickly brushed past Gobbler as I rushed out the door grabbing my viking helmet.

He's going to wish he was dead when I'm done with him.

My thoughts hissed with rage feeling my feet pound hard against the dirt. I ran all the way to the docks seeing Viggo and Alvin standing there. Almost as if they were expecting me.

My hand gripped the sword clinging to my belt, narrowing at Viggo, "What are you doing on my island, Viggo?" My face twisted with disgust when saying his name. That name made my blood boil. Made me see a flash of red. I wanted to stab this sword through that rotting flesh of his. I wanted to torture him in the most brutal way possible. Make him beg for death.

His face twisted in amusement folding his arms against his chest, "Must I answer that, Stoick? We both know what I'm here for."

I snarled, "Well your not getting him. Not as long as I'm standing here."

He smiled big, "I thought you might say something like that," Viggo edged closer to me, "You see Stoick, I'm a business man. I see people as property. Hiccup is a very valuable property that I'm not willing to give up. I study and learn every weakness that he has. I know that boy more than you know him,"

Viggo circled me, his breath against my ear, "And because of that, I know how to torture him in the most best way possible," He whispered softly reaching to his back pocket, "Take away the thing he holds the most dear," His fingers press against the cold handle, slowly pulling the long dagger out of his pocket, "Getting to the boy is easy, it's just killing the person who is in my way,"

With that, my hand yanked the big sword out blocking his small dagger, knocking it into the ground. I point the tip of the blade to his throat, "You really think you could kill me so easily?"

My lips twitch into a smirk as I watch Viggo calmly back away, "Of course not Stoick, it was merely a distraction."

The word distraction echoes in my head as I slowly put everything together widening my eyes. Quickly, I scan for Alvin.

Oh no no...

My heart pounds against my chest as I grit my teeth, snapping my head in Viggo's direction, "You..." My voice grew darker by the minuet, "If...if you even so much as touch my son..." The tip of my sword pressed harder against Viggo's throat, "I will personally see to it that you die the most painful way possible!" I spat feeling my whole body blaze with rage.

Viggo shrieked for a split second before straightening himself, "A little to late for that...Stoick."

Before I could kill the despicable man in front of me, a soft cry of pain filled my ears.

Please please please....

don't let it precious son...

I swallowed the lump forming in my throat as fear filled every part of me not wanting to turn around. Not wanting to see the horrid sight behind me.

Viggo brushed past me which made me follow him. I watched him kneel down in front of Hiccup who was on his knees. His head lowered almost as if he was bowing.

Mumbling is all I could hear. My body still trembled with rage as I stomp over to Viggo, not even letting him for a second to touch much less talk to my boy. My fingers gripped his collar yanking him roughly behind me. I bent down to Hiccup, putting my hands gently on his shoulders, "Son? Are you okay? Did they hurt you?" His head perked up.

My stomach turned with pain as my eyes rest on the multiple welts growing on Hiccup's little face. Tears form in my eyes causing my bottom lip to tremble. I couldn't even formulate the words. Instead, I embraced him, hugging him tightly to me. My hand gently stroking his soft matted bed hair. A soft sob escaped my lips as I whisper soothing things to him. I don't even recall what I said. I didn't care. I wanted to comfort him in anyway I can. His body was shaking so badly against me. My heart ached. I wanted so badly to take away all the pain. 

A very sharp pain penetrated my body. No, blinding pain. A pain I haven't felt in my entire life.

My grip loosened on Hiccup as I felt my strength leave. He pulled away his eyes widening in horror. His hand covering his mouth with tears freely flowing down his face. My back slammed against the ground. A blur image hovered over me. An evil laugh ringing in my ears followed by screaming. Very loud screaming and sobbing. I struggled to breath. Warm liquid touched my arms as I wheezed. Every attempt of breath was more painful than the last. My eyelids became heavy as darkness tried to take over. I couldn't move my head. All I could see is the sky. It seemed to welcome me. 

My eye lids closed and darkness took over.

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