Chapter 17~Peace

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Stoick's POV

The frigid wind blasted through every strain of my beard letting my eyes rest on the bright orange, red colors rippling through the setting sun.

Oh Odin...this is all my fault. I should of protected him better. I should of known he would try something like this. How could I be so blind?!

"Stoick, don't blame yourself," Glancing over my shoulder, Gobbler offers a small smile as he taps his dragon's neck flapping right next to mine, "I know that's what your doing old friend."

I shifted my gaze to my dragon's neck, "It is, I....let my son get tortured for twelve years Gobbler...and now....he might be thinking that I'm..." Tears blurred my vision feeling my body tremble slightly, "that I might not come....for him..."

Gobbler snorted, "Don't be ridiculous. There were circumstances that allowed you to get distracted in the past. You didn't really know Hiccup. I was the one raising him when he was little while your wife was deathly ill-"

"I know Gobbler. I'm not exactly proud of my actions nor behavior toward him. I blamed him for unbelievable things..." Sucking in a breath, I locked eyes with Gobblers, "and now, because of what Viggo did to him, he truly believes it." A single tear penetrated from my eye.

"Listen Stoick, I know you feel responsible and I don't blame you. It's important to know that Hiccup loves you very much. He trusts you to go after Viggo. The boy is very strong, you don't need to worry about him too much."

Gobbler's lips twitched upward slightly as I gave him a small nod, "Thank you, Gobbler. I truly owe you a lot."

He shook his head, "You don't owe me anything."

Nodding slightly, my eyes scanned below hoping to spot anything, "Astrid, do you see anything?" My voice boomed through the loud flapping of all the dragon wings.

She locked eyes with mine, frowning slightly, "We still have a couple of days before we'll see anything, sir, but so far there's been no boats or even places to rest."

Of course! It's only been a couple of hours not days. Some chief you are...

A weak comforting smile formed on my chapped lips, "Of course, do excuse my urgent behavior on finding my son," My voice sounding sharper than it should of been. Closing my eyes, I take in a slow deep breath, "There should be a stop coming up with the next couple of hours. Let's all keep our eyes peeled for said land."

Hiccup's POV

"If that's what you expected then your not very intelligent," A high pitch feminine voice snarled.

A loud bang rang in my ears causing the constant thumping pain in my head to grow stronger, "You," the dark raspy male voice whispered before getting incredibly louder, "do not talk to me like that! When I tell you to do something I expect you to it. Not give me some pathetic excuses!" He hissed as the sound of choking fills my ears. I bit down on my lip fighting the urge to cry out or demand them to stop talking so loud.

"I can't," the feminine voice rasped in a low whisper her chokes becoming more dominate, "you beat...him...t-too....m-much..." A loud thump and sharp gasps along with coughing made me wince for the lady who was enduring this.

"You seem to be missing what I'm saying, I do not care. That boy deserved every bit of what I gave him, now figure out a way to heal him completely within these remaining two days or I'll make you suffer along side with him!" Heavy footsteps gradually got quieter as I attempt to open what feels like metal weight eye lids.

My vision blurred for a second before focusing on the girl who was attending to my wounds. The low lit dungon made it hard to even see her face but soft muffled sobs escaped from her hand covered mouth.

Her thumb gently rubbed against my cheek, "I'm so sorry...I failed Astrid..."

My heart pounded against my chest feeling warmth flood my body.

She knows Astrid!

With every bit of strength I could possibly muster, I forced my mouth open, "Knew....Astrid?"

Her eyes widen as she pulled my body into her chest causing my aching body to ache sharply in pain. A soft muffled cry escaped from my lips but she didn't seem to notice, "Oh Hiccup! I'm so so so sorry....I tried everything possible but I can't fully heal you. Your not in any condition to even be on this ship," Her sobbing grew louder.

I struggled to get the strength back, "...A...sss....trid?" I slurred unable to even move my body nor keep my eyes open any longer.

She gasped feeling my back gently  touch the rough cold cement, "Yes...I know who Astrid is," Her voice gradually grew to a very soft whisper, "We work together in short, but that's the last thing I need to tell you. Hiccup, you've lost a lot of blood and your body isn't able to heal properly. The odds of you..." She trailed off hearing another sob, " gotta hold on...I'll do everything in my power to get you out but you have to hold on till this evening."

My foggy brain couldn't comprehend much of what she was saying other than hearing her begging. Darkness seemed to welcoming to me. It seemed to want to offer peace. Something that I want desperately. I felt liquid run down my cheeks as I began to wheeze. Pain vibrated through my chest like I've never felt before. The girl's voice filtered in and out as I began to thrash and cry out loudly. Begging for it to stop. Begging for it to end. My limps felt too heavy to move anymore even feeling the pain beginning to drain from me.

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