Chapter Eight~Desperate

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Hiccup's POV

"You can't be serious! For Thor's sake your the healer There's nothing you can do for my son?!" Stoick's voice quivered with rage as his voice grew deeper with each word.

Consciousness started to slip away from me.

I'm not going back to sleep.

I forced my eyes opened with every bit of strength I had, "D-Dad..."

"Hiccup," He hurried to my bedside grabbing my hand firmly, "Son, I need you tell me what happened." His soothing voice filled my soul with comfort.

I tilted my head slightly, "Something...happened?" Seeing my father's lips turn downward made my eye brows knit together.

Why was he so concerned? I mean I know Alvin took me but I don't recall anything that happened while I was on his boat. Frankly, I don't even remember how I managed to get back on Berk.

My father shifted his eyes to my hand as his thumb gently rubbed circles on it, "Son, Alvin injected you with something and we were-"

"Wait.." I focused on my dad's hopeful expression while my heart pounded faster, "A-Alvin...." My brain was slowly piecing together what had happened, "he injected me with some kind of liquid," I scrunched up my nose feeling my face twist with disgust and fear, "H-He told me... that I wouldn't be able move!"

My father's face scrunched up his face turning bright red, "He paralyzed you?!" His raspy raged voice echoed through the room.

Tears blurred my vision as I felt a lone tear roll down my cheek as I slowly nodded my head. I watched my father turn his head to the side, his body visibly shaking, "D-Dad? Are you...okay?"

His hand covered his eyes as he released quite sobs, "Why..." He mumbled "Why did he have to take another thing from you?"

More tears rolled my cheeks.

It took me a long time to calm myself down to realize that I'll never be able to move again. I still can't accept it.

Seeing my father trying to accept it was worse than me accepting it, "Dad?"

He took a deep breath turning his head, father's eyes glistened as the the low light bounced off his glossy eyes. He leaned over putting his lips on my forehead before getting to his feet, "I'm sorry Hiccup...I'm so sorry."

"Dad..." My voice cracked as I reached out for his hand, "Please don't cry, I'm okay really." The corners of my mouth weakly attempted to form a smile.

I can't take his tears...his heart break...I think this is worse than me accepting it. My loving father has to see his son go into another round of pain.

"Stoick," Gobbler put his hand on his old friend's shoulder, "there's nothing else the healer can do for him. We'll figure out someway to help him get around," He glances at me with a slim smile forced upon his cracked lips.

He nodded once squeezing my hand, "Get some rest Hiccup," My father's lips gently pressed against the top of my head while moving his hand to my cheek, "I love you so  much son."

His eyes glistened in the light again as a lone tear escapes from his thin forced smile.

Tears blurred my vision before I sucked in a quick breath, "You should get some rest to, looks like you haven't slept in years."

His expression changed to a much more natural smile letting his lips release a small chuckle. It was enough to make my heart leap for joy, "I certainly could say the same thing to you," He smiled bigger kissing my forehead, "Thank you, Hiccup." 

My father straighten his posture, adjusting his shirt, "Well, I have some chief duties that must be full-filled while you rest," He looked down at Toothless, "Watch him please and if anything happens, and I mean anything, you come straight to me. I don't even care what your stubborn rider says," He sneaks a wink before quickly wiping his wet cheeks, "Rest well Hiccup." 

Eh, there's no need for that. Toothless will listen to me regardless of what my father tells him...right?

I sunk down into the warm bed, snuggling against my blankets as I hear my wooden door creak close.

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