Chapter 18~Hanging on by a Thread

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The Girl's POV

My eyes widened in horror as the harsh sound of metal hitting the concrete vibrated off the dark dungeon walls. Instantly, my fingers grasp Hiccup's wrist pressing two fingers against it.

Oh thank Thor! Oh thank Thor! Oh thank Thor! It worked! It's not a very strong pulse but it's so much better than none.

The tips of my fingers brushed against his pale face with tears of my own flowing down my face. I gripped the necklace resting on my chest with a small smile, "I'll bring him back, Astrid. I promise." My voice was barely auto able as I hear soft creaks from the old wooden stairs.

Feeling tense, I glance over my shoulder seeing Viggo's small smirk planted on his face, "I do apologize for Alvin's unnecessary violence. How's my property doing hmm?"

I snapped my head away from his pleasing glare of seeing Hiccup's torn up body. A low growl escaped from my lips feeling heat engulf my body with pure rage.

How could anyone look so happy over someone who might not make it?! How DARE he...

Biting hard on my bottom lip, I force a small smile on my lips, "With luck, he might make it for a couple more days but I won't be able to keep him stable if I don't get him medical treatment right away."

The man chuckled deeply, "Just shows how he can't even handle a decent punishment. Such a weakling, can you believe that he is the next heir of Berk? Seems unbelievable to me. You would think Stoick would thank me for taking this runt off his hands." He linked his hands together, resting them in front of him with a twisted expression, "Do what you can to keep him stable. We have a few more hours, the real fun is about to begin."

Grinding my teeth, I shifted my hard gaze to Hiccup's deathly pale face. My fingers barely hovered over his cold skin with tears threatening to release. His chest rattled with every uneven breath making me wince.

He has to be okay. Please Hiccup, you gotta hold on! I know help is on the way.

Viggo's voice barely reached my ears but a very loud bang did causing the dungeon to shake violently. Small pieces of dirt covered the top of my head. I could feel my heart leap as I gently picked up Hiccup, pressing him closely to my chest. Viggo was already gone.

Please let that be them! 

A blinding bright light flashed in my vision before slowly adjusting to the battle scene in front of me. My eyes scanned for Stoick or Astrid gripping Hiccup tighter. His small body tensed letting some small whimpers of obvious pain escape his lips.

My shaky hand gently pressed against his ice cold skin, watching him struggle to get air into his lungs, "I promise I'll get you somewhere safe."

Times running out, I need to find Astrid or Stoick.

"Where is my son?" A dark raspy threatening tone reached my ears, snapping my head in the direction it came from.

Stoick stood tall over the shrinking man, Viggo. He held his axe in front of him. His eyes bleeding with hate as he circled the now small man. Stoick slammed the axe into the stone and in a flash his arm made contact with Viggo's jaw watching him stumble back heavily, "I won't ask again," His voice dripped with venom each word was clear with suppressed rage, "Where is my son!" His voice boomed through the air making me even shrink back in fear.

Stoick's raged eyes met mine. His features visibly softened but quickly tensed when his eyes slowly drifted to Hiccup's almost lifeless body. Tears streamed down the chief's cheeks, something I've never imagined seeing. Warmth filled my cheeks as I shifted my gaze to my feet taking quick steps toward him.

If Hiccup doesn't make it...I'll never forgive myself...Stoick will never forgive me...for Thor's sake he would loose his only son!

His big hands gently gripped Hiccup's arms hearing him sniffle, "Is he...okay?" His voice cracked.

Guilt began to eat at me, "I'm so sorry sir...I should of stopped him..I should of done more...I should of..." I trailed off unable to register Stoick's questions.

My teeth digged into my bottom lip. It's your fault. You let him die. You let your best friend's closest friend die. She'll never forgive you neither will stoick.

"Heather!" My eyes snapped up to Stoick's tear streamed face as he held Hiccup very close to his chest, "What happened to my son?"

"There's not enough time to explain," I rang my hands glancing nervously over my shoulder to see Viggo starting to stir, "You have to get out of here. Hiccup is barely holding on as it is. There's another island very close to this one due north so head there."

His eyes never left Hiccup's rattling chest before mumbling something under his breath. Stoick's body was visibly shaking, "Thank you, Heather. I owe you a great deal."

I mustered a weak smile, "Don't thank me just yet. Please send Astrid here to give me updates on Hiccup's condition."

He nodded before breaking into a run past me.

"Heather! What are you doing? Go after them!" Viggo barked as I quickly wiped away my tears.

I have to be strong. I have to keep my position as a spy. Oh Odin please tell me no one saw our transaction.

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