The cashier

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it was friday night and me and my best friend taryn had nothing to do so we decided to have a sleepover at my house

i hear a knock on the door and i run down stairs

i open the door to see taryn standing on my doorstep with three bags filled with different junk foods

she makes herself through the door up the stairs to my room and sits down on my bed like it's her house

taryn:"what are we even suppose to be doing?"
y/n:"you expect me to know?"
taryn:"queer eye?"
y/n:"queer eye"

she grabs the tv remote and switches it to netflix

y/n:"move over a sis has to sit on her bed"

she moves over and i get a bag of junk food to see what she picked out

y/n:"hmm diabetes, diabetes and ohh look diabetes"
taryn:"yeah basically"

about 5 queer eye episodes and 2 and a half diabete bags later we were crashing

taryn:"i think i ate too much"
y/n:"you don't say..."

we turn off the tv and clean up our mess and get ready for bed

— the next morning —
we wake up and get dressed and run down stairs

we run into the kitchen where my mom was waiting with breakfast

mom:"hope you girls are hungry"
taryn:"after last night i wish i wasn't"

we eat and go back upstairs

taryn:"so today's plans?"
taryn:"sure your driving"
y/n:"as always.."

we go downstairs and tell my mom we're leaving and get in the car to go to the mall

we arrive at the mall and of course first stop is the food court cause two girls gotta eat right?

taryn:"ugh i want food"
y/n:"how are you still hungry?!"
taryn:"hey all that driving made me hungry"
y/n:"YOU WERENT EVEN DRIVI- you know what never mind..."

we go and get chipotle and eat and start walking around

we visit different beauty and makeup stores and clothing stores even gaming stores

taryn:"wanna go to hot topic?"
y/n:"sure i want to get that new 5sos shirt"

we go into hot topic and start looking around

we both pick out a shirt to buy. along with other stuff we definitely didn't need

we go to the check out and we are greeted by the most hottest employee i've never seen

his name tag said "corbyn"

corbyn:"find everything okay girls?"
y/n:"as always"
corbyn:"great" he said with a smirked smile

he bags our stuff up and hands it to us

corbyn:"and as always you got hot cash to use to get money off your next purchase"
y/n:"thank you"

i see him write something very fast but i didn't think anything of it

he folds up my receipt and hands it to me

corbyn:"have a nice day"
y/n:"you too"

we walk out and start down the mall again

taryn:"okay he was hot wtf"
taryn:"how much did we just spend"
y/n:"let me see" i say unwrapping my receipt

a little paper fell out and i picked it up and it had a number on it saying "call me babe ;)"

i showed taryn


we run out of the mall and taryn gets in the drivers seat of my car and i text the number

— over text —
???:"hi, who's this?"
y/n:"i found the number in my hot
topic receipt"
corbyn:"ohh hi cutie"

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