Tattoos and piercings

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i woke up and grabbed my phone and texted corbyn

— texting —
corbyn:"hey what's up?"
y/n:"any plans today?"
corbyn:"yeah i was actually about to head to the tat parlor and get some more stuff wanna join?"
y/n:"sure be here in 10?"
corbyn:"on my way"

i lock my phone and get dressed

after a little i hear a knock on my front door and then my mom opens it

mom:"y/n!! corbyns here!!"

he comes upstairs and knocks on my door

y/n:"come in"

we walk out and go get in his car and drive to the parlor

we walk in and he is greeted by a punked boy with curly hair

???:"corbyn my man! long time no see"
corbyn:"hey jack i know"
jack:"i was beginning to think you were cheating on me with another parlor"
corbyn:"bro i could neverrr"
jack:"yeah that's what i thought"

he laughs and looks at me

jack:"who's this"
corbyn:"oh! jack this is my girlfriend y/n, y/n this is jack he gave me all this" he says pointing at his face
jack:"and since he is back i guess i'm giving him more"

corbyn walks into the piercing room and sits in the chair

jack:"okay what do i have to stick a needle in?"
corbyn:"can i get my other lip to complete my snakes and septum?"
jack:"ooo we're switching it up todayyy"
corbyn:"yeah and i want a tat when your done"
jack:"you got it"

he gives corbyn his piercings

jack:"what's the tat you have i mind?"
corbyn:"two lines wrapped around my forearm"
jack:"let's do it"

we get into the room and corbyn lays down on the tattooing chair

jack gets the tattoo gun and ink and stencil

he puts it on corbyns arm

jack:"that work?"

with that being said jack started tattooing corbyn

it took a little bit but soon enough he was done

jack:"phew we're done besson"

corbyn looked at his tat in the mirror

corbyn:"brooo you killed it once again"
jack:"i know i know"

we walked out to the front and corbyn paid

corbyn:"thanks bro"
jack:"no problem and y/n it was nice to meet you"
y/n:"you too"

i said smiling and waving and walking out with corbyn

we get in the car and he drives me home

he comes in with me and comes up to my bedroom

corbyn:"so now what?"
y/n:"i don't know"
corbyn:"netflix and-"
y/n:"if you say chill i will smack you"
corbyn:"i was gonna say snacks but okay then"
y/n:"oh i'm fine with that"

he runs down stairs and grabs snacks and comes back

we binged watched all the harry potters even tho this was his best friends thing and not his

by time we finished it was 10pm

y/n:"should you get home to you're mom?"
corbyn:"nah i have a sister and a brother they can take care of her i'm staying here"

i laughed and rolled my eyes and got up and went to my bathroom and changed into nightwear

corbyn took off his shirt and shoes and climbed into bed and stared at the ceiling

i climbed into bed and turned the light off and got comfortable

corbyn rolled over to face me

corbyn:"come here"

he opened his arms and i scooted over into his arms

he wrapped his arm around me and i laid my head on his chest and he laid his head on mine

corbyn:"goodnight y/n i love you" he said kissing the top of my head

y/n:"i love you too corbyn" i said snuggling closer to him and falling asleep

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