Moving In

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*jonahs pov*

i get woken up sunday morning with a phone call from corbyn

— on phone —
c:"hey bro can you come into work? i had a no show"
j:"yeah sure let me get my shower and get dressed i'll be there as soon as i can"
c:"thank you so much man your a life saver i'll see you in a bit"

he hangs up the phone and i get up and get my shower and get dressed and head to work

i get in and set my stuff down and put on my name tag

jonah:"didn't show again huh?"
corbyn;"third time this week i'm about to fire him, im just lucky i got you"
jonah:"fire him it's not like he does anything"

after a few hours the store starts to die down

corbyn:"so did you even grow a pair?"
corbyn:"did you ever ask tar outtt?"
jonah:"she said yes duh"
corbyn:"wooo that's my man" he says taking a sip of his drink
jonah:"i kinda wanna ask her to move in"
corbyn:"*chokes* you what?!"
jonah:"what? it's not like you haven't thought about it with y/n now that you have your own place"
corbyn:"fair point..."
jonah:"if i grow a pair you have to grow a pair deal?"
corbyn:"ugh deal..."

— time skip —

jonah:"i'll see you later bro"
corbyn:"okay thanks for saving me today i didn't wanna call you but you were my last option"
jonah:"it's okay"
corbyn:"okay man, also grow a pair i'll be waiting"
jonah:"on it, night"

i walk out and go to my car and get in it and call taryn

— on phone —
t:"hey jonah"
j:"hey can you meet me at my place?"
t:"sure i was dropping y/n at corbyns anyway"
j:"okay see you in a little"

i hang up and drive to my apartment

i sit in my car for a little bit

jonah:"ughhh why did i make this deal with corbyn"

i get out of my car as soon as taryn pulls in

she gets out of her car and walks over to me

taryn:"hey jonah" she says kissing my cheek
jonah:"hi babe"

we walk into my apartment and taryn sits down

taryn:"is something wrong..?"
jonah:"no i was actually wondering something"
taryn:"uh oh..."
jonah:"it's not bad well at least i don't think so"
jonah:"*sigh* i was wondering... would you like to move in with me..? considering we're actually together now.."
taryn:"and get away from my mom and have no rules? hell yes!"
jonah:"wait seriously?"
taryn;"yes jonah i'll move in with you"

she jumps up and runs over to me jumping in my arms hugging me

jonah:"i also made a deal with corbyn"
taryn:"now can i say uh oh?" she says as she gets down
jonah:"he said if i asked you to move in and you said yes he would ask y/n to move with him tonight since we both have been considering it"
taryn:"oh god"
jonah:"now i have a phone call to make"
taryn:"good luck"

i walk away from taryn into my room and call corbyn

— on phone —
corbyn:"well? do i have to?"
jonah:"yes, yes you do cause i got a yes
corbyn:"great hold on" he says putting his phone down on speaker phone

i mute my mic so y/n doesn't hear me

corbyn:"y/n i have a question"
corbyn:"will you move in with me"
y/n:"are you crazy?"
y/n:"are you sure you could handle living with me?"
corbyn:"considering i spend all my time not at work with you i think i can"
y/n:"well in that case sure, i'll move in with you"

corbyn walks back over and picks his phone up


i unmute my mic

jonah:"well it's settled then"

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