Wedding PT 3

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*zachs pov*

i wake up realizing what today is

i roll over and grab my phone and mess on it a little before getting up and putting on some clothes

i grab all my stuff and walk downstairs and lay it at the door

about that time i hear jack coming down the stairs and running over to me

he grabs me and puts me in a head lock and starts shaking my hair

jack:"my little bro is getting married today" he says letting go
zach:"i know mann before youu"

if looks could kill then i would been 6 foot under after saying that

jack:"yeah yeah what ever"

he walks outside and gets in the car and so do i and we head to the church

we pull in and get our and head inside to get dressed

we walk in and i'm greeted by my two friends brandon and matthew

brandon:"yooo theres my mannn"
matthew:"i can't believe you actually even got a girlfriend let alone marring her"
zach:"wow true"
matthew:"you know i'm playing bro"
zach:"yeah i know"

brandon and matthew grab me up in a group hug

we break apart and all get dressed and head out to the wedding

we get in position and wait

(zach, jack, matthew, brandon)

about that time the music starts playing and here she comes down the isle

(skipping as alwayssss HEH)

pastor:"zach do you take olivia to be your lawfully wedded wife?"
zach:"i do"
pastor:"olivia, do you take zach to be you lawful wedded husband"
olivia:"unfortunately i do"

wait what?

olivia:"you know what i mean"
zach:"i forgot i was marring sarcasm"
pastor:"well you may now kiss your... sarcasm.?"

i lean in and kiss her and the crowd goes wild

matthew:"your too late for that buddy"

we pull apart and stand up there for a second

i look down in the crowd to see the whole gang there cheering me on with my family

ryan:"well looks like i'm gonna have a niece or nephew in 9 months..."

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