Wedding PT 2

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*7mo after jonahs wedding*

*Daniels pov*

i walk into the building we have for everything and see corbyn jonah and eben standing there waiting for me

eben:"ahhh there's my guyyy"
jonah:"how you feeling man?"
daniel:"actually pretty good, im excited"
jonah:"you say that now... trust me once they know your stuck with them they get crazyyyyy"
jonah:"all the stuff they were scared to say or do during the dating days, yeah all that comes out and you just there like "who are you? you ain't the person i married you crazier" so"
corbyn:"bro taryn was already crazy like come on she's been friends with y/n since kindergarten"
jonahs:"well she probably did it to her"
corbyn:"wouldn't doubt it my girl is crazy as HELL"
eben:"sounds like you guys just have some problems"

jonah walks over and pats ebens back

jonah:"wait till you get married and hit seven months post marriage and call me okay? okay"
eben:"i will but first i gotta get that number" he says winking at jonah
corbyn:"okay love birds no hooking up on daniels wedding day you guys can save this for tomorrow"

jonah smacks corbyn in the head

jonah:"i ain't gay"
eben:"neither am i"
corbyn:"your the one winking"
eben:"don't make me smack you too"

corbyn laughs and grabs his tux and walks behind the barricade and gets dressed and then jonah then eben then me

we all walk out up to the alter and get in placement

(daniel, eben, jonah, corbyn)

i turn around to see jonah dancing like he always does when taste is playing

so me eben and corbyn join in

in the middle of us dancing we here the music play and see julieana walking down

jonah leans over to me

jonah:"run while you can daniel you still have time" he whispers

i smack him and he leans back up real fast

(skipping to "i do" again cause #lazy)

pastor:"julieana, do you take daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
julieana:"i do"
pastor:"daniel do you take julieana to be your lawfully wedded wife"
daniel:"i do"

we exchange rings and stand there looking at eachother

pastor:"you may now kiss your bride"

i lean down and kiss julieana

all i hear from behind me is:

jonah:"and let the games begin..."
corbyn:"jonah shut up" i hear corbyn smack him
eben:"this is why i'm single i don't gotta worry about this stuff, i get what i want when i want it and that's it"
jonah:"eben your a hoe, were dedicated, theres a difference"
corbyn:"jonahs right for once"

i pull away from julieana and start laughing at the boys as we start walking down the isle to the after party

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