The New Girls

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*y/n pov*

i wake up on saturday morning and grab my phone and check it

i look and it says i have 65 text messages

i open my phone and it's group chat planning this whole day today while i was asleep

i get up and get dressed and head to jonahs like the texts say

i pull in and see corbyn, jonah, taryn and daniel with a girl

i get out and walk over

corbyn:"theres my girl" he says hugging me
jonah and daniel:"hey y/n:"
taryn:"sup hoe"
y/n:"hey guys" i say looking at the new girl
y/n:"who's this"
julieana:"im julieana, im daniels girlfriend"
y/n:"OHHH, well welcome to our crazy group"

about that time jack pulls in and hops out of his car

jack:"your king is here"
jonah:"*pfft* you wish you were the king"
jack:"what do you mean "wish"?
jonah:"we all know i'm better then you"
jack:"we'll see about that"

jonah rolls his eyes as zach pulls in

corbyn:"ZACH CAN DRIVE?!"
jonah:"someone tell me he isn't listening to cardi B"
daniel:"he is..."
jack:"i'm disowning him..."
jonah:"took you long enough"

zach gets out of his car with a girl and walks over

jack:"who the hell?"
zach:"it's my girlfriend"
jack and corbyn:"YOU GOT A GIRLFRIEND?!?"
zach:"you guys seem shocked"
jonah:"how the hell did you get a girlfriend? your zach"
zach:"anything is possible"

jack walks over to her and whispers in her ear

jack:"how much is he paying you...?"
???:"he isn't paying me, i actually am his girlfriend, little over 7 months now"
???:"mom knows"
y/n:"okay enough yelling, what's your name?"
y/n:"welcome to the craziness of my friends"
y/n:"i'm y/n, that's corbyn, jonah, taryn, daniel and julieana"
olivia:"nice to meet you guys"

we all head to cars to start our day

all i hear from behind me is jack say

jack:"i cant believe he got a girlfriend before me, out of all people it was zach, ZACH"

jack gets in corbyns car and sits beside me

jack:"how the hell did he get a girlfriend?"
corbyn:"how can he drive and why does he have a better car then me?"
jack:"dad spoils him"
jack:"yeah but seriously it's zach"
y/n:"bro he hit on me they day we met, we was like "so are you and corbyn dating" and i told him yeah and all he said was "awh darn.." right before you guys came back"
jack:"that's why i thought he was paying her, she said 7 months, if she means he's been hitting on girls trying to slide for 7 months then she's right"

corbyn snickers in the front seat

jack:"corbyn you know it's true, he legit hit on ashley like last week"
corbyn:"he did... i still wanna smack him for that"
jack:"go ahead i won't say anything you would be doing me a favor"

we all went silent for a little till jack spork again

jack:"corbyn are you gonna start the car?"

he starts the car and begins to drive

jack:"y/n, you got any desperate single friends?"
y/n:"i had a taryn but well we see how that ended"
y/n:"you aren't denying it"
taryn:"it's cause i can't"
jack:"is zach seriously gonna have a girlfriend before me?"
jack:"that's kinda depressing"

we pull into where we were going

y/n:"we're going paintballing?"
jack:"i forgot we were doing this, i better be on the opposite team from zach i wanna shoot him"
y/n:"there's 9 of us"
corbyn:"me, you, jonah, taryn and jack on one team, other will be daniel, julieana, zach and olivia with a random"
jack:"i can deal with that"

we all go inside, get our gear and fix the teams and walk out to the field

we watch the timer as it counts down


corbyn looks around the corner and shoots

daniel:"hit! damn it corbyn"

corbyn leans back to us

corbyn:"well that was fast"
jonah:"i forgot how competitive you are at paintball"
corbyn:"whoops" he says jumping over the barricade

i go to run out but jack beats me to it

jonah:"let them be they are extremely competitive with this"

all i hear is shooting

zach:"seriously bro?!"
jack:"hey i'm just playing the game now go"

zach walks off the field

corbyn shoots the one random on the team and he leaves the field too

i peek up to see corbyn get shot in the back


him and jack turn around to see julieana and olivia running to hide

jonah:"did corbyn just get hit..?"
jonah;"now you can go out"

me and jonah and brielle run out and start scoping the area

jonah finds julieana and shoots her

jonah:"julieana is out but where's olivia?"

about that time jack gets shot

jonah:"uh oh"

taryn turns a corner and i hear shooting


she walks back around covered in blue

taryn:"do i look good?"

me and jonah split up and walk around the sets and i hear shooting again

oh great

jonah walks around covered in blue as well


he mouths "good luck" to me

i walk around the corner and get shot at and i dodge and fall back behind the barricade

i crawl around the back side of the barricade where she can't see me and go towards her but she isn't where she was a second ago

i see her in the middle of the field and shoot at her but she jumps behind a barricade

i fall back down and sigh at myself

i get up and around, again

i go back to where my original place was and see her across from me behind a barricade

as soon as she stands up to run around and i shoot her


i walk out and take my helmet off

we both walk off the field

jonah:"corbyn hows your girlfriend better then you?"
corbyn:"i don't wanna talk about it"

we go and return all our gear and get in the cars

corbyn gets in his seat and hisses

corbyn:"i forgot how bad that hurts"
jack:"tell me about it"
jonah:"you guys have it better, she shot my balls man, this isnt nice"
y/n:"i feel fine i don't know why y'all are fussing"

jack rolls his eyes at me as corbyn starts the car and drives back to jonahs

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