The next morning

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i woke up at the crack of dawn and looked over to see corbyn passed out

this was the first time i was seeing him sleep and my god he was cute while sleeping

i get up and get my shower and get dressed and come back out to my room to see corbyn still asleep

i go downstairs for breakfast

mom:"oh hey honey"
y/n:"hi mom"
mom:"why is corbyn in your bed?"

oh crap

y/n:"he stayed the night instead of going home cause it was too late..."
mom:"did you guys do anything?"
y/n:"no mom"
mom:"well when he wakes up tell him to come down and have breakfast i'll save him some"

about that time we hear the stairs creak

mom:"well good morning corbyn"

he walks over and sits down and starts to eat

corbyn:"oh i'm sorry for just randomly staying without warning" he says to my mom
mom:"it's okay, doesn't really matter to me"
corbyn:"okay and don't worry we didn't do anything"
mom:"i know y/n told me and i trust you guys"

corbyn smiles and finishes eating

y/n:"hey dummy you may wanna get dressed..."

he looks down to see his bare chest

corbyn:"i am dressed my clothes are just invisible okay?"
y/n:"go get dressed"

he gets up and goes back upstairs

mom:"i won't lie, i like him"
y/n:"me too mom me too"

— time skip —

me and corbyn get into the car and head to jonahs

we arrive and knock on his door

taryn comes to the door and opens it

taryn:"oh hey guys"
y/n:"taryn why are you at jonahs at 7am?"

she walks away and we walk in

jonah:"yo what's up bro" he says hugging corbyn
corbyn:"not much"
jonah:"mhm and hi y/n" he says giving me a quick hug

we walk upstairs into jonahs room

y/n:"why does your room look like mine"
taryn;"i asked the same thing"
corbyn:"okay plans for today"
jonah:"well for one corbyn we are gonna go down stairs and have a "man" talk"
taryn;"why did you do air quotes when you said man?"
jonah:"no reason... come on"

he says as him and corbyn go down stairs

y/n:"you're here cause you stayed the night didn't you..?"
taryn:"mayyybeeee how did you know"

i pointed at her shorts laying on jonahs bedroom floor and then pointed at her in jonahs joggers

taryn:"oh crap"
y/n:"did you guys do something or did you just change into his joggers?"
taryn:"just changed we didn't do anything"
taryn:"enough about me what did you do?"
y/n:"binged movies with corbyn and when we finished it was extremely late so he stayed over"
taryn:"so i slept here and corbyn slept at your house?"

— corbyns POV —

me and jonah walk downstairs

jonah:"bro taryn stayed over last night..."
me:"i stayed at y/n's..."
jonah:"did you do anything"
me:"binged movies and slept"
jonah:"i can relate just we didn't watch movies we played video games till like 3am and then crashed"
me:"basic jonah move"
jonah:"well what else am i suppose to do? "sleep" with the girl?"
me:"ew no, bro have you even asked her out yet?"
jonah:"physically no, mentally and emotionally yes"
me:"you guys still aren't official? brooo grow a pairrrr"
jonah:"shut up"

he says smacking the back of my head as he passes me to walk back upstairs

we walk back into the room

jonah:"okay now what?"
taryn:"i don't know"
jonah:"actually i wanna go visit jack cause i want a new tat, maybe if we get lucky zach will be there"
me:"oh truee"
y/n:"wait tattooing jack?"
y/n:"okay and who's zach"
me:"oh his brother"
jonah:"come on we're gonna go see jack i'm driving"
me:"let's go"

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