Double Date

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me and taryn start getting ready for our "dates"

taryn:"do you think he'll like this?"

she says spinning around to show me her dress

y/n:"tar we are literally going for ramen and your wearing a dress"
taryn:"hey not my fault i wanna impress him"

i roll my eyes and go to my dresser and pick clothing

i get out: a black tank top, a red long sleeved flannel, fish nets, black stressed jean shorts and a choker

i get dressed and come back out and put on my black converse

taryn:"emo much"

me and taryn go outside and get in the car and drive to the café

we arrive and see corbyn and jonah standing at corbyns car

we get out and walk over to them

corbyn:"hey girls"

he says basically running to us

he grabs me up and hugs me

taryn walks over to jonah awkwardly

jonah:"you okay?"
taryn:"i-i'm fine" she says nervously

we all walk in and get a table together

waitress:"hi what can i get you four today?"
corbyn:"can i get some spicy ramen?"
y/n:"make that four of those"
waitress:"absolutely coming right up"

she walks away

corbyn:"sooo how's life people"
jonah:"you know... life"

after a few minutes of silence our food is delivered

we all eat and joke around

after we are done we all split the bill and tip and walk out

corbyn:"okay that was fun"
corbyn:"jonah, you and taryn take my car i wanna ride with y/n"
jonah:"ight cool"
corbyn:"and jonah"
corbyn:"if you have sex in my jeep i might kill you okay?"
jonah:"aww dang well there goes my plans"
corbyn:"excuse me"
jonah:"i'm jokinggg i know"

me and corbyn head towards my car

corbyn:"can i drive?"

i toss him the keys and we climb in

we start down the road taking the long way home

he turns on the radio

often by the weekend starts playing

i go to change the station but he smacks my hand away

corbyn:"leave it i like this song"

i look at him wide-eyed with a raised eyebrow

i hear him start humming from the drivers seat

the chorus comes on and he starts to lightly sing it

wtf since when can he sing-?

corbyn:"often often girl i do this often, make that pu- im gonna shut up"

i start giggling in the passengers seat

i grab my phone and turn on movements by pham

corbyn:"wow i haven't heard this in a while"

he moves his left hand from the steering wheel to the gear shifter

corbyn:"can i play something?"
y/n:"go ahead"

he turns on sunset lover by petit biscuit

we drive in silence only noise being the song

he moves his hand from the shifter to grab my hand that's laying in the seat

he intertwines his fingers with mine just holding it there

after awhile once the song started to end he finally spoke

corbyn:"i love you"


what did he just say

y/n:"y-you what.?"

he stops the car off the side of the road

corbyn:"i know we haven't even known eachother for a month but i don't care, these past two weeks of just meeting up on the weekend for ramen is the best thing ever, i may not know much about you yet but i don't care about that either, i love you y/n and i wanna know can we be official?"
y/n:"corbyn are yo-"
corbyn:"y/n will you be my girlfriend?"

he jus-


y/n your fine don't have a panic attack


he smiles as big as he can and leans over into my seat lifting my chin up to place a soft kiss on my lips

which went from soft to kinda hard

and from hard to extremely hard

and from extremely hard t-

well you know where i'm going

next thing i knew i was making out with the kid

what is wrong with me..?

he pulls away

corbyn:"i'm gonna stop before i keep going farther where i can't"


y/n:"well then.."

he replays the song and drives the rest of the way home

he drops me and my car off at home

i get out of the car and go to walk into my house when he grabs my wrist pulling me into his chest

he hugs me and looks down at me grabbing my chin

corbyn:"i meant what i said... i love you.."

i look at him in the eyes getting caught in a slight daze

y/n:"i love you too..."

he pulls me closer and cups my cheek with his hand and kisses me

all i hear from behind us is taryn and jonah

jonah:"get a room you two"
taryn:"there's kids here come onn"
jonah:"someone's gonna get lucky tonight"
taryn:"i think he already did bow chicka honk honk"

her and jonah start giggling

corbyn smiles and starts laughing into the kiss pulling away

corbyn:"jonah you are annoying"
jonah:"and that is why you love me and have put up with me"
corbyn:" *sigh* sadly.."

jonah walks over and throws his arm around corbyn as i walk over to taryn

jonah:"come on bro we got some video games waiting in your room"

jonah turns around and heads towards corbyns car

corbyn looks at me and winks and mouths "call me tonight?"

i nod back and he smiles and gets in his car while me and taryn walk inside

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