The "date"

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the week went by pretty fast and before i knew it, it was friday

i got woken up the most horrible way of course

taryn:"GETTTT UPP" she screamed as she jumped right on me
taryn:"oh good your awake"
y/n:"yeah and broken now"

she gets off of me and pulls me out of bed

taryn:"you got a date today you gotta be ready for it"
y/n:"it's not a date"
taryn:"issa date"

i roll my eyes and walk to my bathroom and brush my teeth

i walk out and get dressed and go down stairs

taryn:"your mom isn't home it's just us"
y/n:"how did you get in then..?"
taryn:"i'm your best friend since kindergarten i know how to get into your house"
y/n:"creep much?"

i grab a breakfast bar out of a cabinet and start eating it

taryn:"i wanna go to the mall"
taryn:"we can go to hot topic"

i throw away the rest of my bar and grab my keys and go outside

we get in the car and go to the mall

we get to the mall and we walk in

taryn:"i'll meet you at hot topic i wanna go to pink"
y/n:"okay fine"

i walk into hot topic and start looking at rick and morty stuff

(A/N: im obsessed with rick and morty sorryyy)

all of a sudden i feel a pair of hands on my waist thinking it's taryn trying to scare me

y/n:"nice try taryn but you can't scare me"
corbyn:"i'm taryn now?"

i turn around to see corbyn standing right behind me

y/n:"oh god hi corbyn.."

we stood there in a silence for a little

corbyn:"am i still seeing you tonight?"
corbyn:"okay then"

he placed a kiss on my forehead and walked away

i grab what things i wanna buy as soon as taryn walks in

corbyn:"oh heyy taryn"
taryn:"hi what ever your name is.. Y/N!"

she runs towards me


she shows me all the stuff she got at the store

y/n:"uh huh how broke are you now"
taryn:"we aren't speaking of that"

we go to check out and i hear corbyn humming my favorite song


taryn:"whatcha hummin?"
corbyn:"oh sorry i'm obsessed with a song right now called outer space / carry on"
taryn:"5 seconds of summers song?"

we check out and walk out

taryn:"he like 5sos too girl this should end well"

we walk out and go back home

taryn grabs her stuff and goes home and i start getting dressed

once i'm dressed i go outside and get in my car and head to the skate park

i get there and get my board and start skating to kill time

a few hours passed and i'm now sitting on the bench

i'm messing on my phone not paying attention to anything till i hear a familiar voice


i look up and see the punked boy standing in front of me

he sits down and we start talking

a few hours passed

corbyn:"and that's why if i ever changed my name i would call myself chev"
y/n:"wow you are dumb"
corbyn:"i know"

we went silent for awhile

corbyn:"you want to go get some food?"
y/n:"what's in mind?"
corbyn:"you down for japanese?"
y/n:"i could go for some spicy ramen"
corbyn:"then let's go"

we arrive at the japanese café

we get a table and start looking at menus

we order our food and settle down

our food arrives and we start to eat

corbyn:"oh god i can smell the spicy ness"

he gets a big bite of food and puts it into his mouth

next thing i know all i'm hearing is a high pitched scream

corbyn:"AHHH HOTT"

i couldn't help but laugh my head off

y/n:"it's SPICY ramen for a reason now.."
corbyn:"wow really? i didn't know" he said rolling his eyes

he finally calms down and eats his food

we're almost finished eating and he breaks what little silence we had

corbyn:"somehow this has been fun besides the fact i burned my mouth"
y/n:"agreed and that was your own fault"

he rolled his eyes and stood up to go pay the bill

i clean up the table and leave a tip and go join him

we walk out of the café onto the side walk and start walking back to my car

once we get to my car we say goodbye

corbyn:"i've had fun"
y/n:"yeah me too.."
corbyn:"we should do this again some day.."

we go silent for like the 90th time today

corbyn:"well it's getting late i better let you get home"

he starts to walk away as i unlock my car door to get in


he turns back around and walks back to me

as i turn around he grabs my chin and places the softest kiss on my lips

little did he know that this was my first kiss

i kissed him back

he pulls away

corbyn:"i'm sorry i shouldn't have done that"
y/n:"it's okay"

i say kissing his cheek tattoo

corbyn:"will i see you tomorrow?"
corbyn:"okay.. goodnight y/n"
y/n:"goodnight corbyn"

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