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— over text —
y/n:"uhh hi?"
corbyn:"how are you? ;)"
y/n:"i'm good i guess"
corbyn:"yeahh im sorry for slipping my number i probably should've just asked but that's to boring"
y/n:"so slipping it was a more normal approach?"
corbyn:"in my opinion.. yes"
y/n:"well okay"
corbyn:"so what's your name?"
corbyn:"y/n... hot name for a hot girl alright then"
corbyn:"how old are you?"

he's 19 and he has that many piercings and tattoos..? oh this should be fun

corbyn:"okay i gotta get back to work breaks over, i'll text you later babe ;)"

i put my phone into sleep mode and lay it in my lap

taryn:"well? what's he like? how old is he? he ask you out?"
y/n:"don't know, 19 and no"
taryn:"he is not 19... he's too hot for 19.. and too.. punked?"
y/n:"that's my thoughts too"

we arrive back at my house and me and taryn go to my room

taryn:"he seems sketchy.."
y/n:"and that's a bad thing"
taryn:"not necessarily... just depends on the person"

about that time my phone dings and taryn snatches it

she opens my phone and replies to what ever it was

y/n:"what is it?"

i go to get my phone and she runs away

taryn:"you better be ready he's coming over"
y/n:"HE'S WHAT?!"
taryn:"you heard me woman"
y/n:"i might kill you.."
taryn:"you've said to since kindergarten and i'm still here, 15 years later"
y/n:"i might actually do it now, it's contemplating"

i change out of the clothes i had and put on a nirvana t-shirt, black fishnet cut tights, black stressed denim shorts and my black leather boots

taryn:"now i said get ready not turn into a hoe"
y/n:"well a hot af punked hot topic cashier is coming here and you expect me not to dress like this"

all of a sudden there's and knock at the door followed by the sound of it opening

taryn:"your mom just opened the door..."

all of a sudden

mom:"y/n some cute punk boy is here for you!"

taryn starts laughing her head off

taryn:"even your mom agrees"

i start hearing footstep approach my room

i turn around to see a punk boy leaned against my door frame

did i have a stroke at that sight? well no duh who wouldn't

taryn kept looking at him and then me over and over

she starts to back up and whispers to me

taryn:"this should be fun..."

he makes his way into my room and sits on my bed

corbyn:"nice room"
corbyn:"no problem, what's your name?" he said asking taryn
corbyn:"ooohh nicee"

taryn giggles and then leaves my room to go down to be with my mom

corbyn:"i seem like a creep don't i?"
corbyn:"well what do you wanna know"
y/n:"why did you slip your number?"
corbyn:"1. i thought you were cute and stuff and wanted to get to know you duh, 2. i honestly have no other reason"
corbyn:"tell you what.. me and you, the skate park in town this friday what do you say?"
y/n:"a skate date..?"
corbyn:"ifff you wanna call it that yes"

he stands up off my bed and walks towards me

corbyn:"so i'll see you there?"

he says winking at me and then kissing my forehead which startled me due to how cold his lip ring was

y/n:"i guess"
corbyn:"okay bye cutie"

he said walking out of my room

i hear running up the steps as taryn comes back in

taryn:"so do i need to get a pregnancy test in about 3 weeks orrr?"
y/n:"no taryn he just asked me on a date to the skate park friday"
taryn:"wow he is punk jesus christ"
taryn:"well then you better start planning girl"

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