So Jacks Still Single

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— massive time skip like 6mo —

(all the couples besides y/n and corbyn are engaged)

*y/n pov*

i wake up and look over at the clock that reads (7:55)

i rub my eyes and roll over and go to lay my hand on corbyn but he isn't there

i shoot up in bed and open my eyes and start looking around in a panic

all of a sudden he comes walks out of the bathroom brushing his teeth

corbyn:"calm down babe i'm here" he says slurred due to brushing his teeth

he walks in the bathroom and finishes and comes back

he walks back over to the bed and climbs in it and lays his head on my lap

corbyn:"ugh we gotta go dress and tux shopping"
y/n:"i know"
corbyn:"you remember what color jonah and tar picked for everything right?"
y/n:"not. a. clue."
corbyn:"yeah cause that's a nice phone call to my best friend "hey man what color did you have planned for your wedding cause i forgot" he would kill me"
y/n:"well it's better then the color be blue or something and we show up in hot pink"
corbyn:"wait you just said the color, theirs was blue, daniels is purple and well zachs is actually i don't know zachs"
y/n:"true but watch zach pick like a weird color like brown or a very bad green"
corbyn:"true sounds like him" he says climbing out of bed and walking to the dresser

i get up as well and head to the closet and get clothes and get dressed

we go downstairs and get in the car and head to the store and pick out our tux and dress and head back home

we hop out of the car and head in the house and he throws down all his stuff

corbyn:"oh my god that was only for one wedding let alone 2 more"
y/n:"ugh don't remind me"

about that time there was a knock at the door

corbyn:"was someone coming"

he gets up and goes and opens the door


jack walks in with a hood on his head

jack:"listen jonahs wedding is this weekend and i lost a bet with zach and now i'm screwed"
corbyn:"oh no"

he pulls the hood off his head to reveal hot pink hair

corbyn:"OH GOD"
y/n:"now can i say shave it off?"
corbyn:"you are screwed bro..."
jack:"ugh i hate zach somedays" he says flopping down on the couch

jack:"so i'm still single"
jack:"y/n got a desperate friend yet"
y/n:"actually i do"
jack:"really?!" he says all excited
y/n:"oh yeahhh his name is jack he's 19 and he's got the most weirdest pink curly hair"
jack:"i hate you"
y/n:"you really don't"
jack:"ugh sadly"

he stands up and walks to the door

jack:"well i better get going i kinda have a mid life crisis to deal with and i still gotta get my tux and crap"
corbyn:"alright see ya and good luck with that um what ever you call your hair"
jack:"my reason for going to an insane asylum..." he says getting in his car

corbyn shuts the door and turns back around to me

corbyn:"insane asylum... hmm fits perfectly" he says grabbing his tux and heading up stairs


before you all ask about the sudden change in everything and the skip, im finishing this book before the 20th and i have 4 more parts so and i might have a part two of this book i don't know we will see

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