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*corbyns pov*

i get up saturday morning and sneak out of the bed trying not to wake y/n

i quietly get dressed grab my phone and keys and go outside and get in the car to head to jonahs

i arrive at jonahs and go knock on his door

taryn:"oh hey corbyn"
corbyn:"hey tar jonah here?"
taryn:"of course, BABE CORBYNS HERE, come in"

we walk in as jonahs putting a shirt on walking down stairs

jonah:"hey man" he says pulling me into a hug
corbyn:"hey yeah i need yalls help"
taryn:"oh god what did you and jack screw up now"
corbyn:"oh no no this is all me"
jonah:"what is it"

i pull a little black velvet box out of my jacket pocket

jonah:"is that-"
taryn:"are you serious?!"
corbyn;"yeah and i want you guys to help set everything up cause i'm doing it tonight"
taryn:"why tonight?"
jonah:"2 years ago today, corbyn slipped a phone number in a receipt at work..."
taryn:"oh my god that is today isn't it..? dang time files"
jonah:"okay plan?"
corbyn:"i want to take her to the place we had our first "date" you know the japanese café"
taryn:"where you almost killed yourself multiple times with hot ramen and where we met dani?"
jonah:"okay so what do you want us to do?"
corbyn:"well after i take her there i wanna take her back home in the back yard in the garden"
taryn:"i already know what he wants"
corbyn:"oh really?"
taryn:"while you are out with y/n you want us to fix up the table with a nice little candle and light strands and white rose pedals leading to it with the instrumental of make me by noah cyrus playing in the back on a low volume"
corbyn:"how th-"
taryn:"you and jonah aren't quite"
jonah:"i warned you i wasn't quite ever but you still agreed to this"
taryn:"yeah i know"
corbyn:"anyway is it a deal?"
jonah:"we got you bro"
corbyn:"thanks guys" i say pulling them into a hug
jonah:"you better get going"

i walk out the door and head home and pull in

i go inside to see y/n sitting at the kitchen bar in my nasa tee eating a bowl of cereal

y/n:"hey where were you?"
corbyn:"oh jonah and taryn broke something and had to go help them fix it"
y/n:"oh okay"
corbyn:"so you know what today is right?"
corbyn:"yes but what else?"
y/n:"july 17th?"
corbyn:"uh huhhhh what happened today 2 years ago?"
y/n:"you were a shy kid and thought slipping your number was more normal then talking to me"
corbyn:"there you goo"
corbyn:"i want to take you where we had our first date"
corbyn:"ramen... and i think daniels working tonight"
y/n:"im in"

— time skip —

as soon as we get in the car i text jonah and tell him we are heading to the café

*jonahs pov*

my phone goes off and it's a text from corbyn saying "leaving now"

me and tar get in the car and head to corbyns and set everything up

i start breaking apart roses and throw the pedals everywhere

taryn strands up lights and puts them on a low beam

i grab a little speaker and put it in between the tree and turn on make me

we look at our working realizing it's complete and leave

*corbyns pov*

i get a text from jonah saying that they were done and leaving right as we head home

we pull into the drive way and i open the door for y/n and grab her hand and bring her to the back yard and sit her in the chair

corbyn:"wait here"

i run inside and put on my tux and grab a white rose i had hidden

i walk back outside and see her face light up as i walked closer to her handing her the rose


i look at her and grab her hand and get down on one knee

corbyn:"y/n today marks 2 years since i was a very stupid 19 year old but if i wasnt stupid and shy that day i wouldn't be here right now with the best person to ever come into my life, this past year has been the best year of my life and i wouldn't change it for the world, i never knew and girl and her best friend would change mine and my best friends lives forever, everything from just sitting in one of our rooms watching tv and eating junk food to going out to get ramen or go skating or paint balling, it has been a blast and i wouldn't change it for anything..."

at this point she is starting to cry a little and i am too

i reach in my pocket and pull out the box and open it to reveal an engagement ring

corbyn:"y/n y/m/n y/l/n, will you do me the honor of marrying me and making these past years of my life, be the complete rest of my life..?"
y/n:"oh my god..."

she starts crying but stops almost immediately

she jumps into my arms giving me the biggest hug she ever has

y/n:"yes i will, ive waited for you to ask that since day one"

i pull away from the hug and look at her

corbyn:"what?" i say laughing
y/n:"when me and tar saw you for the first ever time we both knew one of us was gonna marry you, then you introduced her to jonah and we see where that went"

i laugh and kiss her and pull her back into a hug

corbyn:"and that right there is why i love you..."
y/n:"i love you too corbyn..."

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