The New Guy

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i go home and crash for the night cause i was exhausted

the next morning i get woken up by a phone call from taryn

— on phone —
taryn:"hot topic?!"
y/n:"ugh fine come over i'll get dressed"

i hang up and get dressed

once i'm done taryn is in my room

y/n:"do you let yourself in now?"
taryn:"well duhh"

i grab my bag and keys and go outside and get in the car

y/n:"you know, your gonna make me broke if we keep going here"
taryn:"hey you get to see punk boy and i get merch it's a win-win"

i cant argue with that

we arrive at the mall and walk into hot topic

but corbyn isn't there

it's a new guy

taryn:"new- worker- hot-"

about that time corbyn comes out from the back and hugs the other punked kid

corbyn looks up to see me

y/n:"hi corbyn"

he came over and hugged me and led me to the other guy

corbyn:"y/n this is jonah my best friend"
jonah:"nice to meet you.. who's your friend..?"
y/n:"that's taryn... TARYN COME HERE"

she walks over

y/n:"he wants to meet you"
taryn:"oh hi.."
jonah:"hi im jonah"

he smiles and awkwardly walks away

corbyn is standing there wide eyed

corbyn:"someone likes you..."
taryn:"oh god.."

jonah comes back out and corbyn takes me outside

corbyn:"i'll let those two have some alone time heh"
y/n:"i guess"
corbyn:"i really wanna apologize for last night i don't know what came over me or what made me do that i was just kind in the moment and i don't kn-"
y/n:"corbyn.." i say cutting him off
y/n:"it's okay"
corbyn:"are you sure? i kissed you out of no where and i haven't even known you two weeks"
y/n:"it's okay"
corbyn:"alright.. mind meeting for some ramen tonight..?"
y/n:"sure but no spicy"
corbyn:"yeahhh i learned from my mistakes"

he hugs me and walks back in and taryn walks out waving a paper

y/n:"whatcha got there"
taryn:"one cute hot topic employees phone number"
taryn:"best friends with best friends"
y/n:"i guess so.."

how did we both get hot topic employees?

we get in the car and go home

taryn's phone blowing up the entire way home

y/n:"jesus if your phone goes off one more time you might as well marry him"

about that time her phone dings again

y/n:"what are you guys talking about? setting up a date?"
taryn:"actually yes, we're meeting for ramen tonight at a café"

ohhh greatttt

y/n:"me and you both"
taryn:"he already asked you back out"
y/n:"yeah, ramen tonight.."
taryn:"ooohhh boyyy"

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