Phone call

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after corbyn and jonah left taryn went home as well

i got a shower and settled down for bed so before i crashed i called corbyn

— on phone —

corbyn;"hello?" he says with a deep sleep voice
corbyn:"oh hey babe"
y/n:"what did you want me to call you about"
corbyn:"i don't know, just wanted to talk i guess"
y/n:"well what do you wanna talk about.?"
corbyn:"again i don't know heh"

i roll my eyes


i hear him start rustling around

y/n:"what are you doing that's making so much noise?"

all of a sudden i hear a guitar start playing


corbyn:"if i play it won't bother you will it?"

he starts playing and hums a little

and he starts to sing

corbyn:"i wanna take all the stars and shine them on you..."
corbyn:"i wanna take all the lights in new york city and shine them on you..."
corbyn:"oh the way you look in this light it's like nothing i've ever seen before..."
corbyn:"oh the way you look in this light it's like i found a diamond on the shore.."
corbyn:"cause no amount of money will make me give you up, no amount of money will make me give up what love..."
corbyn:"cause you're the only one, the only one, the only one i can love the only one the only one.."
corbyn:"your the only one the only one, the only one i can love the only one the only one..."

he continues to strum a little

did he write this song?

corbyn:"i wanna kiss your lips in the rain..."
corbyn:"make it feel like you lost all the sorrow and pain..."
corbyn:"i wanna lift you up and spin you round.."
corbyn:"and tell you how i never ever want this to change, cause you're perfect the way you are..."

he stops strumming and singing

corbyn:"that's all i got so far it isn't done"
y/n:"y-you wrote that.?"
y/n:"it's beautiful corbyn"
corbyn:"are you being serious or fooling me?"
y/n:"i'm being serious i like it"
corbyn:"good cause it may or may not he about you..."

it's what now.?

y/n:"it's what.?"
corbyn:"um heh"
corbyn:"cause i'm not good at speaking my feeling so i write them down, and i wrote that down and thought "hmm that could be a song" and well yeah"
y/n:"well i love it corbyn"
corbyn:"i'm glad"

we go silent for a little

corbyn:"it's like 2am i'm going to get off here and let you get some booty sleep, i mean beauty sleep yeah beauty sleep"

i giggle a little bit

y/n:"okay i'll go get some booty sleep"
corbyn:"okay goodnight y/n"
y/n:"goodnight corbyn"
corbyn:"i love you..." he whispers into his phone"
y/n:"i love you too corbyn"

he hangs up the phone and i plug mine up to charge and turn my lamp off and roll over smiling and fall asleep

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