Making it official

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*jonahs pov*

it's 11:40pm and i'm finally out of work

i walk out to my car and plug my phone up to charge and text taryn to see if she wants to come over and she says yes

i put my phone in sleep mode and drive to my apartment

when i pull in taryn is already there

i walk up to her and hugged her and we go in

taryb:"what did you wanna do?"
jonah:"well y/n is at corbyns parents house for movie night and i had nothing to do tonight so"
taryn:"well what do you have in mind?"
jonah:"i can make some food and when can watch a movie"

—time skip—

after about half an hour the food was done

i drain the spaghetti and mix it with the sauce

she gets up and gets a plate of it and sits down

i do the same

we both sit and eat and once we are finished we go up to my room and pick a movie to watch

about half way through the movie brielle lays her head on my shoulder and starts to fall asleep

i grab my blanket and pull it over top of her and lay my head on hers

the movie ends and i move out from under her

i get a pair of pajamas and go in my bathroom

i take my work clothes off and put on my pajamas with no shirt and walk back out to my room to see taryn sitting straight in my bed

i walk over to her and turn my lamp down to a very dim light and crawl in bed and open my arms for her to lay in them

she did so and laid her head on my chest

i thought about this moment for a second and took a deep breath


she looked up at me

jonah:"will you be my girlfriend..?"
taryn:"it's about time, yes i will"

she said crawling up to give me a kiss

i kiss her back for a second and she lays back down and i do too and cuddle up with her

she rolls over to face me

jonah:"i love you"
taryn:"i love you too"

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