Wedding PT 1

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*jonahs pov*

i start pacing around this entire dressing room trying to calm myself down

corbyn walks in to see me pacing and i automatically stop

corbyn:"are you this nervous bro?"
jonah:"dude i'm getting married in like 2 hours what do you think?"
corbyn:"that you absolutely fine and your just over exaggerating"
jonah:"yeah? call me when your two hours away from the rest of your life and tell me that i'm over exaggerating"
corbyn:"but you will be there so"
jonah:"shut up matthew you aren't making this better"
corbyn:"dang we getting middle names here?"

i start pacing even more

corbyn:"jonah your okay, it's taryn, you've already dealt with her for this long"
jonah:"yeah but like this is more serious like i'm dedicating myself to this girl now"
corbyn:"bro... are you having second thoughts...?"
jonah:"define second thoughts"
corbyn:"are you wanting to back out? like just walk out now and leave?"
corbyn:"then you got this, im gonna be right behind you the whole time"
jonah:"thanks bro" i say pulling him into a hug
corbyn:"now lets get married"

— at service —

i'm standing at the alter with corbyn right behind me

corbyn:"bro stop shaking your fine" he says laying his hand on my shoulder
jonah:"i know bro i know"

i turn around and put my fist out for a fist bump

we do our fist bump we've done all our lives and i turn back around just as the music starts playing and taryn starts coming down the isle

my heart starts racing more as if that was even possible

before i knew it she was standing right in front of me

corbyn leans over into my ear

corbyn:"you got this bro..."

i sigh and look up at taryn as jonahs dad starts reading

(i'm skipping the vows cause i'm too lazy to type all that)

jonahs dad:"taryn do you take jonah to be your lawfully wedded husband?"
taryn:"i do" she says slipping the ring on my finger
jonahs dad:"jonah do you take taryn to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

i take a deep breath to calm myself down before i say anything

jonah:"i do" i say while putting the ring in her
jonahs dad:"you may now kiss the bride"

i grab her chin and lift her head up and kiss her

the whole crowd goes insane

i pull away as corbyn leans over

corbyn:"i told you, you got this bro" he says patting my back

i take a deep breath and grab taryn's hand in mine and walk down the isle to start the beginning of the rest of my life


okay so daniel and zachs will basically be the same as this just some stuff will be slightly different (not really) but yeahh ♥️

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