Chapter 3 Not your Princess

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I don't know you, but fuck you anyways.





The seconds fall past me, as I sit there. The darkness closing me closer into the cage.
"So you are new to this?" a raspy voice as well as the clang of bar's catches my attention.

"Uh y-yah, y-you"I stutter nervously as I talk to the voice.

Come on Kiara you're braver than this.

"No, I've been sold a few times. Always given back" the woman gapped making my heart drop. A couple of times.

I'm fucking DED, D-E-D, DED,

She then asked "What's your name?"

"Kiara, yours?"

"Madeline" she answered and a brief silence landed between us.

I wonder if anyone's looking for me.

She broke the silence to say  "How did they catch a pretty one like you?" Madeline chuckled, not a real laugh but the fake one that's from the voice of someone who's seen a lot of bad things

"I think I was drugged, they got me in the car"I muster and she reached through the bars to grab my hand, my instinct to pull away 

"that's likely. They got me the same way" she whispered but then looked around "look I have been here a long time and have seen a lot of pretty woman come and go. But I can tell you now that this is going to be really bad for you." She said in a hushed voice

"What are you..." I try but she continues.

Her grip tightened around my wrist as she continued, her words scaring me "whatever they do to you, do not fight it. It worse if you fight it."

"Ok "I nod ripping at my hand. "Don't run, because they will find you. And the punishments for running are worse then a nightmare..." her words come to a stop as a man walks by our cages her eyes darting away from me until he's out of sight.

"Lastly Don't let him win...Don't let him break you cause will lose yourself." her words running through my head.

Her blond hair cut short, to the length that's just past her shoulders, the age on her skin proving her age to be older then me. "why are you telling me this?" I asked and she shot me a look.

"Because you seem like the kind of girl I would have wanted to get to know. I have seen some pretty girls have terrible things done to them"

"What kind of things?"

she looked me in my eyes, and her eyes looked so dead I shivered. "let's just say disobey you die, run you die, let him win you die."

I nodded, "die, but why would-"

But she interrupted me again "The last man who bought me bought another girl too, she was like you full of spirt and questions. She resisted, ran and talked back. And two days later her body was found in the river, raped and dismembered so bad you couldn't even tell it was her. But I knew it was."

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