Chapter 38 FOOL

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I Was a Fool for love; I was a fool.

Lucien POV (At the time Kiara escaped the base)

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Lucien POV (At the time Kiara escaped the base)

Anger coursed through my bones, like a snake waiting to attack.

People don't get to betray my loyalty and mercy, no matter who it is. And that doesn't exempt Kiara; it makes me want her dead just that much more.

She humiliated me in front of my men, she made me weak. Love made me weak.

She made me believe she was innocent, that she was good. She taunted me the whole time with a mask on her face. She was a natural temptress and I should have seen it coming. But just how did I miss it?

finding their little hideout made me laugh. It was fucking hilarious.

Pulling my car to a soaring stop on the cement pad, my tires leaving black skidmark's. stepping out of the car, John pulls up as well. His eyes glancing at mine for just a few seconds and I dared him to say something.

I knew he didn't believe the video, but I know what I saw, the way her eyes looked as she said it is forever burnt in my mind.

I knew that John loved her in ways I won't even know, she was like his sister.

but did he really know her if she went off and pulled this stunt? I could have sworn she was smarter, wiser.  "Boss, how should we approach?" he asked plainly, placing his hands behind his back.

Smiling I look down at my watch "Find them bring them both to me alive, kill everyone else. Then torch it". John sucks in a small breath nodding, before walking away and yelling my orders to the men as I just stare at the building.

The sound of an explosion fills my ears and I clench my knuckles and they turn a ghastly white. The second I saw the video I knew I was gonna have no hesitance when killing my father, I wanted him dead. I wanted him to go into the hot fucking fires and burn. But I'm not gonna kill him slowly, I'm gonna drag it out until he begs me to kill him. But I'm not gonna give him that courtesy.

But for Kiara, I was going to kill her fast. One bullet, quick so I didn't have to look into her god awful eyes ever again. Because I knew of I look at her I will hesitate.

arrays of gunfire fill the building, as I shift slightly the bulletproof vest itching against my skin. Before Kiara, I never wore a vest, but whenever I went on missions she forced me to wear one.

It was like even though she was gone she still had fucking control over me.

'boss we have a location on your father'a voice blares through the walkie talkie, as I pick it up placing it near my mouth with a smile. "bring him to me, living".

Turning behind me I watch as a black SUV drives slowly away, its tires making a screeching sound as it pulls away, my concentration on it for just a few seconds before grunts and scratches on the pavement fill my ears. Turning to face the sound I smile, as my dad is thrown at my feet. "Hello, Alexander" I smile as I kick the bastard in the ribs, he topples over spitting up a little blood. His hair was grayer and he had seemed to have let himself go a little

"Lucien" he greets, as he pulls himself to his knees. "I hope you're not mad that I fucked your wife. I'm sorry but I just couldn't resist." he smiled and I felt a lump in my throat as I punched him in his jaw. It shouldn't make me jealous, But it sure as hell does.

Was she really that much of a slut?

Grabbing his shirt collar I growl "where is she?!" I ask fuming, and he just looks down and smiles. "If she's not in her room, then I'm guessing the little minx escaped"

Kiara POV

The silence in the car was crushing, and the tension was so thick you could almost see it. I still had my sort of vendetta against him, but I was curious as to what Alexander had over his head.

I also wasn't sure I could trust him, but he did risk his life for me. So I might as well give him the benefit of the doubt , plus if he tries anything, he can expect psycho bitch Kiara to come out fighting.

I glanced over at him and he looked rigid, his hands cuffed the wheel harshly but it looked like he was deep into thought. "David," I said to catch his attention, and he did a double take, seems to not really hear what I said at first. "Thank you for saving me," I said because I'm sure if I stayed I would have been killed

"oh yeah your welcome," he said, his eyes never straying from the road ahead of us. "But I think now I deserve a little bit more information," I said leaning back into my seat, folding my hands in my lap.

Davis sighed, seeming to hesitate. "Okay, fine Kiara fine. We will get off at the next exit and I will explain everything" he snapped and that shut me up real quick.

Fucking cunt.

We drove in silence for a while, until a road sigh took us to a small town called kettlebell. It wasn't much, but I had only one sort of motel and a couple of gas stations. David quickly pulled into the parking lot of the motel and I shuddered as I looked at the name

"Motel, MUrdar" which sounds a lot like motel murder.

walking up to the clerk at the front desk, he looks at us up and down. "What you want?"He chuckled, putting down his cigarette. "This ain't a hostel or an overnight stay motel, so get lost"

Sighing I grab Davids hand, biting my lip slightly. "A room, my parents are home and we need some privacy." I almost fucking barfed as I said that, and David stiffened but I dug my nails into his hand as a warning to go with it.

"30 bucks a night, room 2B. Enjoy"he smiled giving us a wink, and handing me the set of keys. Grabbing them quickly, I pull us away and out the door. "Was that the only excuse you could think of?"He growled as we reached our room, A small rikity room with one bed and a bathroom.

Rubbing my Arms I walk inside, the strange stains on the carpet far from pleasing. "He wouldn't have given us a room, would you rather sleep outside?"

He throws the keys on the little bedside table, walking up to me angrily. "I will take the floor. You know your really making me regret helping you" but he half-jokes on the last part as he looks around the grungy room. "For that comment, I hope you get Gonorrhea from the floor. Now I'm going to freshen up when I come out your telling me everything"

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

"I wouldn't have it any other way"

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