Chapter 14 safe with me

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"I know I'm a handful but that's why you got two hands"

"Help me"the words I never like to use seemed to just float out of my mouth to him and in this moment I needed him

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"Help me"the words I never like to use seemed to just float out of my mouth to him and in this moment I needed him. I need his help, no matter what he said I felt safe in that god forbidden house.

He wouldn't hurt me because of the deal...the deal. "Kiara where the fuck are you," he growls louder, fiercer. Looking around at my surrounding I had no clue to where I was.

"Trees, gas station, highway. Lucien, I don't...I don't know where I am."I cry feeling embarrassed I cover my mouth with my palm to try to hide my sobs. The first time I've had a chance to cry in this whole experience. I have had to fight and argue and get through it never a chance for me to throw my head back and scream .why me.

"Kiara go inside and ask where you are. Now."
He demands but I bite my lip "the call will cut out and I won't...I can't call you back. Trace it or some shit." a teardrop landing on my bare foot I close my eyes.

Lucien's screams for people to "do it" and to "figure it out" where all I could hear. His brutal swears and aggressive voice could shake towers, no wonder he is feared.

The line going dead my attention shooting back up, pressing the re-dial button a million times to no avail. "No, Lucien. Please!"I scream pounding my fists into the metal box my firsts becoming bloody and bruised.

"Ok, Kiara. Be smart."I say running inside and rushing up to the counter my feet sliding from under me. "Where is here, "I ask and he frowns handing me a map and pointing

"Just off highway 630 and right before 93"

Nodding I grab the map, walking outside I plant myself on the ground against the wall.

Never was I a religious woman, but at this moment I prayed to god that he traced the call. That he was coming.

"Find her, she ran in this direction most likely stopping here" the man who I tied to the chair hollered and I crushed closer to the wall. "Yes, boss."Another said

"Go talk to the clerk. Make him talk."

The dim yellow lights of the sign lowly lit up the small parking space in front of the station. A grunt and the ring of a bell hit my ears as the gas station owner was thrown onto his knees before the men.

Covering my mouth I watch them stand all around him. "Where the fuck is the girl?" one growls and the man seemed to shrink in fear.

"T-there wasn't any-" he protested and I felt gilt flow over me "bullshit!" the guy whom I wrote my word on yelled before shooting him in the back of the head-mob style.

A scream coming from my lips made them all look my way. Me quickly standing up,- a piece of broken glass from a beer bottle scraping my hand, I grab it and hold It behind me

"Why did you kill him, "I say as the 3 of them laugh like it was nothing like his life was nothing. While I couldn't stop looking at the blood pouring from his head. A kind soul taken down by an evil heart.

"Liars are losers sweetheart"

My lip quivered as well as my hands as my blood from the glass cut deep in my palm. "He was innocent."I yelled and they still didn't seem to feel any remorse.

"Do you know what the word repayment means? When I leave your disemboweled body laying here I'm going to write it across your forehead. Just to make sure Lucien knows what this was all for."

"What the fuck do you want from me"I screamed and he straightened up seeming distracted by my words.

Two loud gunshots filled our space the two men he was standing with falling dead to the ground his gun raised and a wicked smile on his face. "You know what I want? So bad that not even these fools can even listen to what I'm about to say"he laughs walking towards me, each time he took a step closer I took 3 steps back.

Until my back hit the wall and he pressed himself on me. "Get off me!"I screamed and he just smirked knowing that no one could hear me and the people in the cars on the highway seemed like they all didn't need any gas.

"You see princess when I took you I had a good plan going. I was going to rape and kill you and make Lucien watch so he falters in his work." he started his hand stroking my left cheek I whimper softly. His rough skin scraping against my soft skin.

"Then when he wasn't expecting it I was going To slit his throat and watch that fucker bleed." he smiled like he was picturing it happen. "But no one else wanted to mess with him, that's why no one else touched you while you were visiting. Only I got the pleasure."

So he's just a crazy leader who fucked over everyone else because he is messed up in the head. "Well not all...the pleasures" he smiled playing with the hem of my exposed panties.

His breath close to my ear he coldly whispers "repayment" as he smashed his lips onto my neck, his hands running up my body.

"No!"I yelled before the glass connected with his neck and his eyes going wide. My hand shook as I let go and he stepped back stumbling. Grabbing his neck he trips back lading in the dirt.

My hand covering my mouth as I watched him choke to death on his own blood. He cursed me out as his eyes went still, a death I caused. Call it self defense but I call it murder.

Stumbling back I grab the wall. My heart racing the same speed as a bull on Acid.

7 Shiny black SUVs with Heavy tinted windows pulling up into the space all around me and all  the dead people.

My hearing blurry as I saw Lucien step out of the head car calling my name as he looked around at the scene before him. I probably looked like a crazy person, hair tangled and clothes basically nonexistent.

Running up to him I jump onto him like A tiger. crying as he wraps my legs around his waist, I was too scared to be surprised and to shocked to be mad. "you're ok" "you're ok"

His hand placed securely on the back of my neck made my head wander back to the last time he kissed me.

Through my cries I heard him mumble "You're safe with me now" before taking us both into the SUV with me sitting on his lap, he stroked my hair my bloody hand gripping tightly onto his sleeve.

How stupid am I? Forgiving a man who basically told me I was nothing to him, jumping on and going back to him after he says he only wants me to fulfill his own needs.

How stupid am I? Well apparently very.

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