Chapter 35 wreck me

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WARNING This part contains torture, if you are uncomfortable I suggest you skip ahead!
[ also recall that Alexander is Lucien's dad ]

WARNING This part contains torture, if you are uncomfortable I suggest you skip ahead! [ also recall that Alexander is Lucien's dad ]•

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Peering my eyes open to be greeted by a strange unfamiliar place, my wrists bound by rope and duck tape placed over my mouth.
The walls a dark concrete grey splattered with blood and the floor was littered with the same crimson but fingernails and hair littered it as well.

My heart pounded out of my chest.

I was completely fucked. I probably wasn't in this room for a nice humble talk.

"Finally awake?" the voice of the person I hated most cheerfully asked as he stumbled into the room. My eyes followed his every move as he placed knives and other weapons on a grey metal doctors table, the clink echoed through the encasing room. "I have come to make a deal with you"Alexander cheerfully smiles as he bent down in front of me.

A toothy amused grin on his face as he rips the tape off my mouth, but he seemed disappointed that I did not wince at the harsh motion. "whatever deal it is I am not taking it"I spit in his face, pulling against the rope in attempt to lunge at him and break every bone in his stupid face.

Alexander just again stayed smug as he stood up, he was dressed casually and he looked un-showered, different from the last time I saw him when he looked polished and neat." I haven't even said what it is yet"

"it doesn't matter what it is. I will never do anything for your barbaric ass" my teeth grit together as I spoke because what I said was the absolute truth. He can do whatever he wants to me but I never want to hurt the people I love, and I will never bow down to him. Grabbing a knife he pointed it in my face, the sharp blade a foot from my skin. "You have no idea what I am capable of!" he had a weakness, his temper was short which could mean he does rash things without thinking them through, which might benefit me

pulling the knife to my leg he cuts my skin in four different places , the blood dripping down my calf, my teeth sinking into my lip as I hold back a scream. He won't get the pleasure of my screams. "you and me we are very alike" he smiles as he sat on the floor watching the blood spill onto the ground adding to the many others. "we are nothing alike" I huff out blowing the hair away from my eyes.

Alexander ignores me setting his gaze onto my eyes, the demons that fought behind his; were horrific. "We will do anything to make sure the people we love stay smart, stay loyal, stay alive" he gurgled as he swiped my blood onto his fingers before wiping it down my neck and chest." you didn't love your family you were a coward"i yelled at him, earning myself a brute punch to the nose.

He quickly spun around and grabbed a hot brander before placing it on the bottom left of my exposed stomach. The burn left the indent of a red circle. I shook in my chair as I clenched my eyes, my skin sizzling under the hot metal.

Taking it off my skin he watches me wither in pain. "His mother was just a lovesick puppy, too addicted to my ride that she couldn't see that she was meaningless to me. She was a liability I had to get rid of her in order for Lucien to see who he really was-" he paused his explanation to grab a fistful of my hair and to throw a punch to my rib cage. "-a monster just like his dear old dad!"My head hung low in an attempt to catch my fleeting breath.

"So back to my fucking point before you interrupted me..." he says as he grabs my chin forcing me to look up at him. " your mother... do you love her?" he said and my heart stopped. did he have her? She wasn't lucid enough to fight back, what if he hurt her? "What did you do to her?!" I begged an answer from him and he just laughed walking over to the door and knocking on it three times.

The cold steel entrance opened and a new man looked at me, as he pushed a figure of a woman that had a black bag over her head to the floor. She rested there motionless on her knees, she wore a dirty white hospital gown and white muddy socks. bruises littered her skin and her fingers were tainted with blood. "M-mommy?"I whispered with a crack in my voice, Alexander ripping the sheet off so I could see her clearly.

"let her go!" I screamed at him, as I stared at my mother who was a shaking mess.

But he just laughed and pulled out his gun placing it onto her sweaty black haired scalp, which she flinched her quiet sobs filling the room. "My deal is simple Kiara if you do one little thing for me. I will not shoot her in the head" he cocked the gun, his finger moving to the trigger. "Alexander please let he go!" I begged him and he smiled again, he had won.

my cries for her freedom carried around the room and he grinned once again "Now for your side of the deal in question;" Whatever I was going to have to do was probably deadly and very bad. "You are the only thing my son desires, the only woman he has ever loved. All you have to do is defy him, betray his love and your mother will go free." My heart hit the floor when he said that.

"How would I do that, he knows I would never betray him"I choke out and he rolls his eyes like I just told him a sick love story. "You better get creative than"

His simple ask was for me to choose between the two people I loved? a task that went against human nature. My mother, who was defenseless and terrified, to drugged up to even know my face, with a killing machine pointed at her head or Lucien the man I loved the man I needed."You want me to choose?" I whispered looking down at my feet, an answer I already knew.

Alexander shot the gun at the roof to get my attention once again, the gun then moving to the back of her head again "Kiara, Do we have a fucking deal yes or no." he asked sternly, a certain glint of anticipation in his words.

"Deal..." I whispered feeling as if my heart was crushed and my fight was dead."We have a deal, let her go."

"Glad to see you made the right choice"

was it though?

My head just kept thinking of what Lucien will do when he finds out. How would he believe me?

He doesn't tolerate traitors, he kills each and everyone that challenges his loyalty, he demanded respect and submission. A mafia goodbye gunshot to the back of the head if you didn't fall in line.

But Lucien and my mom will both live. He might hate me, and she might not know my face but they will be safe.

So I do not care what happens to me. I do not care if I die protecting them.

Even if it's at the hands of my own lover

Even if it's at the hands of my own lover

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[Alexander O'Rhiley]

Please don't hate me.....

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