Chapter 9 - 2h 37 minutes

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I remember when I lost my mind
There was something so pleasant about that place
Even your emotions have an echo in so much space

I remember when I lost my mindThere was something so pleasant about that placeEven your emotions have an echo in so much space

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Two days he didn't speak to me, I don't even think he came home. A threat he made, not half measured and I know it.

Although I admire his dedication to this, doing what he wants no care for the others around him. It would be a lie if I said he wasn't narcissistic.

Because he is. And the worst part, he knows it and seems to not care. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, I hate him.

I'm left here alone, well not alone. bodyguards everywhere, many people watching me but none of them speaking. Being watched was a funny feeling, it made me in some instances feel powerful and other uneasy.

"Miss do you need anything?" a woman asks as I sit at the pools side.

I smile and shake my head. She nods before walking away.

Guilt. Guilt was all I could feel. While I was sitting here looking over an enormous pool the other woman from the auction were off getting god knows what done to them.

A silver tear striking down my cheek, shortly meeting with the water below me. "I told you, little bird, weak" his voice echoing in my mind, I just shake my head wiping my tears away.

"Leave me alone Lucien" I whisper, stepping out of the pool and grabbing my towel. His predator eyes, looking at me. Watching me.

"remember who you're speaking to" he growls and if I was a logical person I would do something smart but now I felt angry...annoyed. So I will do the opposite.

"I don't care who you are, and I don't respect you. And I never will, no matter how much you try to threaten me" I snap, pushing past him bumping his shoulder.

Lucien grabbing my wrist and pulling me back to him. His hold tight as he harshly grips my wrist, my body touching his closely. "I came to tell you that you are to come with me to a banquet," he growls and I just look away.

His burning grey eyes, giving off so much dominance. Strength. Power.

"I don't..."I whisper and he grabs my neck, firmly but not enough for it to hurt. "Use your words carefully you're coming either way" he snaps his words just over a whisper, a whisper he says next to my ear

"im not going," I say firmly, I think he just believes I was always at the place he bought me from like I didn't really have a life 6 days ago. Like I was a piece of food on a shelf waiting to get taken.

He takes a step closer to me, as he pushed me back till the backs of my knees hit a chair. His eyes glared down at me, his fists balled. "If you were anybody else I would have shot you in the back of the head for all of this disrespect."

"Then why don't you?" I whisper.

Lucien smiles, as he leaned down towards me. "good question" he said as he took out his gun and pressed it against my temple. I was terrified, but I wouldn't show him that. So I stood there and stared him in the eyes, all while he did the same.

"you will come." He yells the raw tension around us overpowering. The forest smell on his figure addicting. "F-fine. But I better not get shot at again."I say and he stands straight placing the end of the gun under my chin.

Lucien just smiles. "No one would dare touch you while you're at my side". That gave me little reassurance, barely any at all actually.

Pulling out of his grip I walk away, fleeing away to somewhere I can breathe, somewhere where his darkness doesn't glare at me through those sick eyes of his.

With a creak of the bed, I lay down, covering my eyes with my hands. "Miss...I'm sorry to disturb you but we have to..." a quiet voice squeaked.

"Yeah, okay." I nod, whipping my tears away before anyone could see.

My wet hair she quickly dried, putting it half up half down curls bouncing down my left shoulder. "You have long hair miss Kiara" she smiled and I nodded something I was proud of. From my mom's side, I guess.

Wasting no time she does my makeup, splattering it on and applying false eyelashes that in my opinion looked like feathers.

"Mr.O'Rihley or Lucien to you...has picked out a dress for you. Now it might not be your style of choice but I think it will do wonders for your curves" she smiles like we were just chatting in a bedroom as friends.

A tight red dress coming down to the floor, marvelous use of fabric and color. "Holy fuck this is tight" I sigh as she helps me to slip in. My hand on my stomach that's held back by the lack of stretching this dress is capable of

"Language," John says and I just stick the middle finger up as she finishes. "Thank you, "I say and she nods, before walking out.

I mouth "I can't breath" to John and he just laughs reaching out for my hand. "Be careful tonight Kiara. There are going to be some really nasty bitches there" He says as we walk down the hallway each step I take, my red heels making the familiar clanking sound.

"I had to deal a lot with bitches in my past so I think I will be fine" I smile remembering all the times I told off my two "very good friends" who
Are probably not even looking for me, not even feeling bad.

"Well based on your looks right now, the chances of you getting verbally attacked is high" he warns but I take it as a compliment. "Let them try"I smirk as we walk down the stairs.

"He is waiting in the limo".he stops us giving me a quick hug.

of corse he is in a limo, fucking rich ass.

Quickly after I'm shoved inside this limo. Sitting inside was Lucien his suit pressed and polished and his looks killing."you took 2 hours and 37 minutes to get ready" he says glancing down at his watch.

Fucking hell

"funny story actually, yeah this dress is tighter than my asshole. Why did I have to wear this one" I say feeling myself fluster as he bites his lip slightly, his eyes hungrily undressing me


he retaliates a few seconds after , a snarky remark slipping off his tongue "because I and the people there have standards? Do you?"Fucking asshole.

"I hate you"was all I said after that, The car ride unpleasant and mainly silent as I just look at him thinking about all the names I was calling him in my head.

"We are here when we get inside don't stare at me like that" he growls and I hiss at him "you are a cruel mother fucker"

Lucien glares at me before stating "that I am, now act like your my wife. Act as you love me"

Love? How do you act that you love the man who has forced you down to the ground so many times?

Love? How do you act that you love the man who has forced you down to the ground so many times?

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Xoxo- A.K

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