Chapter 32 Pit of demise

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Sorry, it took so long to update :(but I hope you like this chapter!

"Hello boys" I smile a seductive smile as the three men sat tied in front of me.

I was surprised when Lucien let me actually come down here granted he's standing a few feet away from me, and that I took two shots of trusty vodka before I came down here. "This is your bitch isn't it" one chuckled looking over at Lucien and laughing, underestimating me.

But I'm a bad bitch;)

Lucien pushes off the wall but I looked back at him and smiled my eyes saying everything. Trust me I got this. He bit his lip but nodded, when his lip deterred back to its place my breath sucked in. Why did he have to be so damn SEXY?

"He's my husband yes..."I smiled sweetly grabbing under his chin and placing a hand on his thigh. The other two men staring at me with lust.

He licked his lips slightly looking down at my chest, my skin crawled. The only man I wanted to stare at my boobs was Lucien.

The unnamed man had brown eyes, just brown and I saw nothing inside them. Like he was a robot for his bosses like he was only a message no a person. "But..."I smiled grabbing The collar of his shirt, a low animal-like growl came from behind me. "But I'm no ones bitch" my words close to his ear as I press onto one of his pressure points, making him scream and slink into the chair.

"Tell us what we want to know"I smiled as I looked between the three men, who all looked at me as they watched there buddy buckle and screamed at the top of his lungs "Tell me or I swear to god I'll ruin you "I whispered as they looked at me confused, and scared.

I was a crazy bitch, and when I want something I get it. "What are you gonna do?"I'm asked, his skin color was darker and his hair was black his face bruised.

"What I know about torture is and whatever I would do to you, my husband has already done to you,"I said looking back to Lucien again, his arms were crossed and he leaned back on the wall watching me. Turning back to the three I smile continuing my explanation "but what I do know is that people like you are trained for shit like this. And I could beat you for as long as I pleased and you would still stay quiet. Am I right?"

They just looked at each other nodding. "But what really drives a man mad is when you mess with them mentally,"I tell them as I point to my head in front of them thinking.

"You give them hope, even the slightest. Only to rip it from them and watch as they slink into a pit of demise. So what am I going to do To you?" my laugh was nasty and pure evil.

Licking my lips, a buzz rushing through my veins "I'm going to..." my words were laced with threats and I held no weaknesses, being interrupted My eyes moving to the younger one of the three, looking only about 20. "I will talk," he said breaking as the other two looked at him with shock and anger, there eyes holding a little fear still.

He was scruffier than the other two, his hair was longer and he looked like he was sweating like crazy, the need for wanting to live stronger than his loyalty. "Then talk"Lucien growled stepping off the wall, nodding his head towards sunshine and John.

Both of them smiling as they grabbed the two other prisoners who denied to talk, dragging them forcefully out of the room. Slamming the door closed as two gunshots filled the air.

I had grown to love the sound. As the gun fired, and the bullet launched. I had grown from the last time I had shot one and now holding a gun was nearly an everyday thing for me.

I hadn't killed one with it since the last time, but I don't think I would be against it. Especially if I had to in order to help my family, my mafia.

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