kick ass - c. evans & s. stan

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( an imagine where you are now playing Squirrel Girl (Doreen Green) in the MCU and became good friends with the cast, especially Chris and Seabass.
small warning: sexual assault (?) )

You knocked shoulders with Chris, who was iconically grabbing his left boob while Sebastian laughed his brains out.

"You're so MEAN," you shrieked, your [E/C] eyes squeezed shut from laughter.

"T-That was go-ood," Seb wheezed, trying to catch his breath, and your hand slapped his shoulder. "O-oww."

"Remind me to never hang out with you guys again," you huffed, playfully crossing your arms and pouting.

Chris coughed from laughing to much, then proceeded to pat your head like you were Dodger or something. Your eyes scanned around you before landing on a group of guys from across the street who had their sight glued to you, making you shift closer to your friends uncomfortably.

"You alright?" Seb asked, looking a little down at you with a raised brow, getting a small nod from you.

The gang crossed the road and were walking towards you, trying to avoid looking at you to pretend nothing was going to happen. Your body tensed up, and you tried to break the tension with a joke.

"Knock knock?" you began.

"Who's there?" Chris retorted, a smirk plastered on his face.


"Justin, who?" Seb giggled.

"Just in the neighborhood, though I'd sto--"

Your sentence was cut off by a hand smacking your butt, making you squeak in surprise and jump a little. Sebastian and Chris noticed immdiately and whirled around, storming after the man that touched you. A giggle came out of you at the two, who looked like volcanoes about to explode.

Knowing something was probably going to go down, you jogged after your friends, who were already talking and arguing with the guy. An idea popped in your head, and your gait transitioned from jogging to strutting, and you pushed your way between Sebastian and Chris.

A smirk played on your lips as you scanned the man's body, before meeting his dark, lust-clouded eyes.

"You know, you must have one to have the balls to do that," you shrugged, tapping your chin. "How about we find out?"

Your leg flew up, kicking that one place where it hurts. The man fell to his knees, clutching his stomach, giving you a chance to knee him in the face. His friends starting helping him back up, and gave him a rag for his bloody nose.

"Nah, I don't think so," you deadpanned, looking to a very suprised Sebastian and Chris at your side. "Y'can blame training and stunts for that."

You started walking in the direction you were originally going, Chris and Seb taking their natural positions beside you.

"Damn," Sebastian, chuckled.

"Agreed," Chris sighed.

"I can kick ass too," you laughed, playfully punching both of them in their very large biceps.

( this can also go along with Steve and Bucky too, but i originally had this dream with Chris and Seabass, which when i woke up i was very proud of myself.😂 )

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