new kid - spideychelle

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i apologize for not posting in a while, i have 0 motivation sometimes. :(

a request for anotha challenge winner on amino. :)



You're the new kid at Midtown Tech, and you hate it. Not the school, but being the new kid. The only welcome you get is a bunch of weird stares.

This bully tried to intimidate you, but you could tell you intimidated him more, because you were taller and you think his name was Flash. The plus side of being a natural profiler is that you can always tell things about a person that they will never say out loud.

The only class you moderately enjoyed your first day was Spanish. Only because the teacher is nice, although you can never remember her name. There's this cute kid in that class too, Peter. Something was telling you that he's hiding something big in his backpack. He kept looking at it every few minutes. Your first interaction with him was at your locker.

"You're new," was all he said as you switched your Spanish book for your history one.

"I guess you're not the first one to notice," you scoffed slightly, focusing your eyes inside your locker.

"Who's this, Pete," a new, feminine, voice asked. "That new girl?"

You turned to look at the girl, who looked really pretty. Considering the minimal distance between her and Peter, you could tell they had some sort of relationship. The boy near them was most likely the third wheel, and you don't even need to be a profiler to know that.

"[Y/N]," you greeted with a small smile after closing your locker. "And yes, I'm new."

"Well, welcome to Midtown Tech!" the boy chirped. "I'm Ned."

The girl seemed slightly annoyed but offered a small smile anyway. "MJ," she said.

You examined the three of them before Peter's slightly opened backpack caught your eye. Red and black peeked through the zipper, making your eyes go wide.

"You're Spider-Man," you blurted out, whispering.

"Shit- " Peter growled, fixing his mistake. "You tell no one."

You nodded your head, the wheels in your head turning. "Not a lot of people know, only us and a few others. Flash doesn't know by the way he bullies you," you spit out. "You're trying to keep it a secret.. oh my god. You must be devastated about Stark."

Their jaws dropped.

"How do you kmow all of that," MJ narrowed her eyes and stepped forward. "Can you read minds?"

"Um, no, as much as I wish I could," you chuckled, fiddling with your books. "I'm what people call a 'profiler', I guess."

Peter just nodded, looking at you with suspicious eyes. He quickly looked at the clock before waving and walking away with MJ in tow.

"You have history next too?" Ned asked awkwardly.

"Yeah," you replied as the both of you began to walk to class.

Luckily history went well and lunch was next period. You went to your locker to grab your lunch and drop off your books. When you walked into the lunch room you were overehelmed, but luckily your new friends waved you over to their table.

"We have a plan," Peter began.


"Are you sure about this?" you whispered into the coms as you walked beside MJ down the hall of a building you were unfamiliar with.

"100 percent," Peter assured. "Fury needs to know everything about this person's tactics."

"Why don't we just catch him?" you asked as your scanned your surroundings.

"You'll see," MJ answered as you saw a glint of metal in the room at the end of the hall.

"Is that.. Barnes? There's no way this is a mission."

"You're right," MJ giggled. "We need to get him back in our prank war.. and you're helping us."


lemme know if ya want a part 2!? :)))

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