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"Piplup! Use bubble beam!" I called out, watching in satisfaction as the moves flies towards May's Pokemon.

"Blaziken! Use fire spin!" May yelled, and Blaziken burst the bubbles, making the moves burst into shimmering mist which made Blaziken look beautiful. Blaziken then taunted Piplup, who came rushing in with a peck attack.

"Piplup! Come back!" I called, sensing trouble, but Piplup was infused with hatred.

"Blaziken! Use fire punch and fuse with the remains of the bubble beam!" May called, and Blaziken's arm was covered in fire, with little specks of water that made it look both powerful and beautiful. And it hit its mark.

"Roserade! Use magic leaf to knock those bubbled out of the sky and bounce it on the floor!" Drew yelled, and it worked as planned, as well as hitting Empoleon,

"Empoleon! Use metal claw!" Kenny yelled out and Empoleon ran to attack, but he tripped on a bubble somehow and ended up popping most of the others. Suddenly there was a third battle; both Paul and Gary ran to the battle field.

"What was the stake again?" Gary asked laughing, and it was obvious the way that the Paul threw out his Electivire, that Gary was trying to annoy him before the battle.

"Paul! You don't have to do this!" Layla called after him, running to catch up, an Umbreon beside her and Professor Oak behind her, but Paul ignored her.

"Umbreon, to my side!" Gary called out to him. And Umbreon ran to battle.

"Why is this going on?" Drew snapped, disappointed that his battle was interrupted.

"Layla?" May asked, returning Blaziken and running to Layla, who looked frightened.

"Well... I was telling Paul about my past... And I brought out Umbreon. He asked me why I don't travel with him, and I told him that Gary won't let me, and he challenged Gary. He said that if he loses, he would have to fend for himself and wouldn't get generosity from Gary, but if Gary loses, I get to travel with Umbreon!" Layla explained and even I was confused.

"He... He would do that?" I asked and Layla shrugged.

"You know him better than I do."

"This battle is a one on one battle! There is a stake to be gained! If Paul loses, then he won't get favours from me or my son. If Gary loses, then Layla will get to travel with Umbreon. The battle begins, now!" Professor Oak called out, and Gary smirked.

"The challenger gets the first move." Gary said and Paul growled.

"Elective, use thunder punch!" Paul yelled, and Gary sighed.

"Come on Paul, you need to make a challenge. Umbreon, Dodge and use shadow ball." Gary called out to Umbreon, and shadow ball hit.

"This is ridiculous! They shouldn't be fighting over Umbreon!" Layla called out annoyed, but the battle just continued on.

"Elective, use thunder!" Paul said, and Elective jumped up, and his move hit. But Umbreon stood strong. The battle went on for a while, until both Pokemon were really unfit to continue, but both were trying their hardest.

"Stop!" Layla yelled, stepping into the middle of the field. Paul and Gary both looked at her, worried that if the other called an attack she could be hurt.

"What is the matter sis?" Gary asked and Layla pulled out some berries to feed the Pokemon.

"This battle can't continue, the Pokemon really can't continue on, they are both exhausted! I don't want people to fight till there Pokemon drop dead, even if it is so I could fulfil my want." Layla admitted, and Paul sighed, returning Eletive.

"I forfeit." Paul said simply and went to sit on the hill.

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