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"Hmm..." Gary said, pondering about something. He returned Umbreon into his Pokeball and left.

"I thought you wanted to travel with Umbreon." Drew asked and Layla nodded her head.

"Sure I do, but I don't want Pokemon battling to the brink of exhaustion just to give me what I want." Layla admitted, and Kenny smiled.

"That is the spirit." He said, and then went back to battling with Drew. So did I and Dawn.

"May!" Max called out and I looked at him.

"Hey Max." I said, wondering why he had something important enough to disturb out battle.

"M... May. I have a Pokemon..." Max admitted slowly, and we all stared at him worried.

"You didn't steal it did you?" I asked him sternly and Max shook his head.

"A woman gave it to me... Come on out Charmander!" Max said, and suddenly a Charmander stood, looking up at the other trainers.

"Wow! You can now travel, and maybe even join in the gym battles!" Gary whispered excitedly, and Max got really excited.

"Really? Cool!" Max called out, and he ran inside to show Professor Oak. Meanwhile, I went to Drew, who was starting to climb up the hill.

"Hey, Drew, where are you going? How was your battle?" I asked and Drew sighed.

"I am going to train, and of course I won. I wasn't going to let any coordinator stop me." Drew said, and paused half way up the hill, waiting for me to walk down, I suppose, and suddenly they heard Paul talking.

"I thought that maybe if Umbreon travelled with you, you would have a friend from child hood..." Paul said, and both Drew and I peaked over to see Paul pacing while Layla just waited.

"I don't need a friend from childhood. I'm making friends now, aren't I?" Layla said patiently, and Drew snickered, but that made Paul alert.

"Who's there?" Paul called out, and Drew stood up.

"Drew!" I hissed but Drew laughed.

"Hey Lovebirds. Would you mind leaving so I could practise?" Drew said, ignoring how pale Paul had become, but he quickly regained his colour.

"Sure coordinator guy. It isn't like you have the whole forest to do training." Paul said, storming deeper in the forest.

"Drew? What the h**l has gotten in to you?" I yelled, and Drew looked taken a back.

"Unlike you, I plan to win, and unlike you, I plan to train. Now if you please, I am going to train here so I can kick your butt at the contest." Drew yelled back, and I could feel the tears that were brimming in my eyes.

"F... F... Fine! Go train, but get ready when I win everything!" I yelled before the tears could overcome me and I ran down the hill.

"Can I watch you train?" Layla asked Drew and he didn't reply, he just watched as I ran down I could feel it.

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