Author's Note.

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(First published 25th August 2018)

Hello all!

Welcome to 'Heir'.

This book is the sequel to Gang life and I strongly suggest that if you haven't read it, in order to understand the following, you should.




1) Don't copy me. It's unfair to me and it's unfair to others reading who have to reread the same kind of material. Thank you.

2) If you are going to swear or cuss, please use accents or censors, so that wattpad doesn't report it because that is no fun for anybody, plus, I can't reply 😂😂😂.

3) Just because I can handle constructive criticism, doesn't mean I will at all tolerate anybody bad mouthing my work or cussing me or anyone else that is nice enough to comment.

4) As much as voting is important, it's the comments I love reading so that is much appreciated!

And on that note, I promise more characters, laughs and emotional moments....

Enjoy you guys!

~ Nas xo

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