Chapter 39

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Shoutout to Jrainley just because I actually can! Your support is so appreciated, thank you❤️😝.

Dana Harris' POV.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" I ask, looking up at Nicolás, who has a small grin on his face.

"Relax Harris, I'll be by your side the whole time!" He says, nudging my shoulder.

I grin back, relaxing a little bit.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the thumping beat of the music in the house party, which is in full swing.

I grab Zoë's hand and drag her with us.

If I'm going down, so is she!

She scowls at me, but then her eyes light up, when she sees the table with the drinks.

She motions to the table with her thumb.

"I'm going to get us some drinks!" She yells over the loud bass.

"You wanna dance?!" Nic says into my ear to be heard over the music.

I giggle.

"I can't!" I respond.

He raises an eyebrow.

"You lying to me Harris?" He asks.

Just as I'm about to respond, Zoë comes back with our drinks, which are in some red solo cups.

She gives me and Nic our drinks and leans in to talk in my ear.

"Don't make it obvious!" She says.

"But turn your head 90° to your left!" She says.

I pretend to scope the room and my eyes land on a sight that makes my heart crash a little.

Leonardo is here.

And he is not alone.

He is dancing with an extremely beautiful girl.

Her 4b hair is tied into a high ponytail and her toffee coloured skin glows even in the dim lighting.

She wears a pair of extremely short pair of shorts and a crop top that hardly covers any of her skin.

He seems to hardly notice, his face in her neck, hands gripping her hips, which are grinding against his own.

Her arm is slung across his back which is covered in a plain black t-shirt, paired with a pair of black jeans and Louboutin sneakers.

Her green cat-like eyes shine with glee and I tear my eyes away from them.

I look at Nic, who bops his head to the beat and mouths some of the words, in between sips of his drink.

I look at Zoë, who is already getting friendly with a boy in one corner of the room and my sadness is suddenly replaced with anger.

I'm at a damn party!

Now is not the time to mope over a boy...

Who has clearly moved on.

But that is besides the point.

I'm about to have the night of my life and Leonardo is definitely not about to stop me!

I put the cup to my lips and swing back the contents, trying not to cringe at the burning taste.

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