Chapter 27

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Matéo Santiago's POV

I stare at my brother, who's face is now wet with silent tears.

I am in complete shock at what he has just told me.

He hangs his head low, his tears hitting his boots, the sound creating a little pattering sound.

I get up and pull him into a hug.

He rests his chin on my shoulder, hugging me back.

I rub his back soothingly.

"Does James know?" I ask.

I know those two are close.

Riccardo nods quickly.

"I couldn't keep something like that from James, he's our best friend" He says.

By our, he means himself, Ade and Belle.

"Have you told Ade and Belle?" I ask and he shakes his head.

"No... Only James" He says, reddening slightly.

I raise an eyebrow.

"Only James, huh?" I ask.

He smirks a little and chuckles, despite himself.

"Yeah, only James" He says, casually.

"Hm" I mutter having another drink.

Riccardo, is about to speak again, but get cut off by a knock on the door.

"Dad?" I hear Jayla's voice say.

"Yes, Princessa" I say.

"Food!" She says and I chuckle.

"We'll be there in a minute" I say.

I turn to my cousin-brother and give him another hug and then we go out of the office.

We go into the kitchen and I kiss Adeline's ear, before giving her butt a light slap, making her grin.

"Please be on your best behaviour" she says, turning around to face me.

"Why, wouldn't I be?" I ask her, wrapping my arms around her waist.

She takes a deep breath.
"Luis is here" she rushes out at once.

My grip on her waist tightens.

"Luis as in..." I ask, playing dumb.

"As in our daughter's boyfriend, Matty" she says, using her cute little pet name for me.

I can feel myself panicking inside, but I hide it by making my face look angry rather than scared.

"Who invited him?!" I ask her.

"I did, baby. He's always been a close part of our family and now he's about to get even closer" she says, gently smoothing her hands over my chest, gently.

"But that's my baby girl... I- I held her in my hands, she was tiny" I stutter.

Ade smiles warmly at me.

"She wasn't meant to grow up..." I say, quietly.

"It was bound to happen, baby" she giggles.

"And don't worry..." she says putting my hand on her belly.

"If they're girls, then you'll have more adjustments to make to yourself" she teases and I smile.

"Thank you for making me feel better." I say.

"Of course, Matty. I love you" she says.

"I love you too, mia regina" I say.

We walk into the living room/ dining area and my eyes land on my daughter and Luis.

He grips her hand and he looks as if he's about to lay an egg!

He catches sight of me and scrambles up hastily.

"Sir" he says, extending his hand.

I take his hand.

"Welcome to the family, son" I say. He smiles in relief and I hear everyone else breathe out and relax.

I pull Luis into a hug and I feel his muscles relax.
I take the chance and mutter into his ear.

"Hurt my little girl and I'll slit your throat and let it drain out like an animal! Understood?" I ask, with a little growl.

We pull away and he nods quickly.

"Yes sir" he chokes and I smile brightly.

His eyes are wide with fear.

I wink at him subtly and he walks back to his seat like a shaken rabbit.

That ought to have done it.

We sit down and I say grace for our family, Adeline on my right, Riccardo on my left and we hold hands.

While eating, I catch sight of Leonardo, whispering something into Dana's ear and she nudges him playfully, trying not to blush.

I sigh to myself.

If only he knew.

I have to tell him as soon as I have the chance.

I just hope he doesn't get his heart broken first.


Hey all!

I hope you all loved this one and watch out for a new character on the way!

Much love...

~ Xo.

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