Chapter 8

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If I tell you say I love you ohh!
My money, my body na your own oh  baby!
30 billion for the account oh.
Versace and Gucci or your body, oh baby! -Davido, If.


Leonardo Santiago's POV

"Micah, can we just talk about this?!" My sister asks me exasperatedly.

It is the middle of the week and my sister has been hounding me about the relationship between her and one my best friends.

"Micah please!" She says.

"I like him and he likes me! What is your problem?!" She asks.

I scoff.

"Jay, he is one of my best friends as well as a member of one of the most feared gangs in America" I tell her.

"What if he gets hurt, huh?" I ask.

"What if something bad happens to you because you're with him and one of our rivals spot you?!" I ask, my voice raising a little.
She glares at me.

"I can look after myself, thank you!" She tells me indignation dripping from her voice.

"No, Jayla I don't care" I tell her with a shrug.

"I start to walk off, but then she grabs my arm.

"Hey!" She yells, drawing attention to us. Her face has reddened with anger and I know she's about to blow.

"Leonardo- Micah Kwabena Santiago. If I can't date, neither can you!" She tells me, folding her arms.

"What are you, three?" I ask with a scoff.

"No, Leonardo I'm 15 and making an argument with you!" She says.

"If I'm not aloud to date, then neither are you because then you know how to feel. I will argue this case with mom if I gotta." She warns.

She really got our mom involved in this?!

"Jayla... Do what you want. I'm tired of hearing your little bitch fit" I sigh.

And with that, I turn on my heel and walk off.

I make my way into the lesson and then slump into my usual seat, behind Ruben's desk.

If that girl starts dating, I'm gonna need an extra gun.

Best friend or not, he is a boy and has the potential to hurt her.

"Sister problems?" Ruben asks with a smirk.

"How did you know?!" I ask him.

"Nigga, every body knows apart from you and your dad!" Ruben laughs.

Our conversation is cut off by the sound of the teacher yelling.

"Well?! I would like an explanation, Miss Harris!" She shrieks.

Dana looks at the teacher blankly.
Today, she wears her curly hair in two puffs at either side of her head and her outfit look effortless, but clean.

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