Chapter 18

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⚠️WARNING:Explicit content in this one!⚠️

Matéo Santiago's POV.

"Hey, babe?" Adeline's voice asks, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes, amore?" I say, looking at her.

She sits across from me at my at home desk, helping me with paperwork, since I made her the joint boss of the gang and our legitimate businesses across the world.

"I gotta talk to you 'bout something, I've been thinking" she says.

"Hm?" I ask, looking back at the work and I continue signing.

"I want us to let our daughter start dating" she rushes out all at once.

I drop my pen and my heart stops, my eyes on my wife's face almost immediately.

"The fuck did you just say?!" I ask, raising my voice.

"The fuck do you think you yelling at?" She asks almost calmly.

I take a breath and tone it down.

Nothing is scarier than my wife, who is full of uncontrollable pregnancy hormones and gets angry.

"No" I tell her.

She rolls her eyes.

"I wasn't asking you Matéo" she says simply.

I look at her long and hard.

"Watch your tone, Adeline" I say, in a deadly calm voice.

"I will not allow any daughter of mine to start dating some trouble making idiot" I tell her, standing up.

"Okay, first of all, Jayla is our daughter, so don't think you get to make decisions for the pair of us." She says, with a slight sneer.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the water dispenser in the corner.

"Secondly?" I ask sarcastically, pouring myself a cup of cold water and gulping it down in one.

"Secondly, sit down and talk to me as if you are a man and stop sulking like a boy" she says.

I chuckle softly, but there is no humour behind it.

"Don't test my patience, amore" I say, turning back to face her.

Her back is still to me and she continues to write down her signature on her sides of the paper, and then putting them to the side.

"Don't test mine, Matéo" she tells me.

"You have got to let our children grow up. You have no problem with Leonardo, dating" she reminds me.

"Leonado is a boy..." I say stupidly and I immediately bite my lip in shame.

Adeline stops writing and puts her pen down.


She stands up and turns to me.

"You, pig!" She seethes, glaring daggers at me.
"Ade, I..." I start, but she cuts in sharply.

"In fact, I don't want to hear it!" She yells.

She starts to storm away making a beeline for the door.

Before her fingertips can even touch the door handle, I have her pressed up against the door, my arms trapping her.

She starts to hit my chest and tries to push me away, but I'm a lot stronger than her.

"Get the fuck off me!" She yells, aiming for my face.

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