Chapter 20

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Leonardo Santiago's POV

I am halfway through my second lesson and I am staring out of the window, when a notification from my phone, 'pings' loudly.

"Whoever that was, put it away!" The teacher yells un- necessarily.

I roll my eyes and then take my phone out of my pocket and look at it discretely, while the teacher continues to drone on.

It's from 'Dana 😈'.

I open the message.

D: Hey. I felt a little sick, so I've gone home. Just so you know. xo

L: What happened? Are you okay? Do you need anything? x.

D: Aww, you're so sweet! I'm fine. Just a belly ache.  xo

L: Sure, I'll see you tomorrow then, right? x.

D: Sure thing! Later golden boy! :).

I smile a little at my phone and then roll my eyes again.

I have to stick to the plan!

She's meant to catch the feelings, not me!

Once she does, I'll get all the information about her intentions with my family and then nip it in the bud once and for all.

Her, and anybody else who want to destroy my family, I have got to end them, even if it's painful for us both.


Dana Harris' POV

I lay in my bed staring up at the ceiling and thinking of the day's events.

I think back to earlier, in Zoë's house....

Flashback to a couple of hours earlier.

"What do you want?" I ask, tiredly, leaning back into the soft bed.

"You're making a huge mistake" Zoë says, her eyes boring into my face.

I scowl at her.

"And why do my mistakes suddenly concern you?!" I ask incredulously.

"If you do this, then you'll put yourself and everyone around you in danger" She tells me.

"I know that!" I snap.

"Calm down princesa. We only want to help" Nicolás soothes, giving me a small smile.

"I don't want your help" I hiss.

"I can do bad all by myself" I say, quoting one of my favourite movies.

He smirks.

"And that's why you're in a room with my and my little sister, wearing my clothes, with no clue where you are?" He states rather than asks.

I scowl at him some more, knowing that he is absolutely right.

"So what's your big plan?" I ask turning my face away from him.

"We need you to stop your little mission, but continue your friendship or whatever bullshit you have going on with Santiago and Carter" Nic says.

"It's not complete bullshit!" I counter.

He scoffs.

"Yeah? Then why-?" He starts, but is cut off by Zoë.

"Ignore him" she says, glaring daggers at her brother.

"You will continue being friends with the boys and then become distant. Break it off slowly, so that they don't get too suspicious." She says.

"And you come in where?" I ask.

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